A church’s staff has a vested interest in the selection of a new pastor. If the search is for a senior pastor, staff members are understandably interested in what it will be like to work under this person. They may worry that the new pastor will have different expectations for their position or even wish to replace them. If the incoming pastor will be a peer, they wonder what kind of colleague this person will be. Their questions revolve around a potential candidate’s personality as much as they do his or her philosophy of ministry.
If the church plans to retain staff members after the hire of a new senior pastor, it is especially important for them to have some input in the selection process. A staff member’s insight into the church’s leadership needs can help the congregation make a wise and strategic choice. During a change in leadership, staff who have enjoyed a long tenure at a church play a special role in maintaining the continuity of a church’s philosophy of ministry and vision.
With this in mind, it seems best to solicit input from all staff members early in the process, as the search committee formulates a profile of its ideal candidate. Once the search begins in earnest, a representative of the staff might be chosen to act as a liaison between the staff and the search committee. The entire staff should be given opportunities to interact with any candidates who visit the church. It is usually best if this includes a time of formal questioning as well as informal social interaction. After the visit, the search committee should meet with the church staff to obtain their impression of the candidate.
In most cases, it is the congregation who has the final say in whether to call a pastor or not. Staff members do not have veto power, nor should they. But a search committee ought to think carefully before they recommend a candidate for a vote when a significant number of the church’s staff express discomfort with their choice.
Finally, all parties involved in the process need to keep the spiritual dimensions of the search in view. The selection of a new pastor is a spiritual decision. Prayer is as important as process when making such a choice.