The editors of Leadership Journal recently traveled the country listening to pastors and experts on the trend of young adults disengaging from the church. We uncovered an important fact–young adults are increasingly postponing marriage and focusing upon their vocations for a sense of identity. At the same time very few churches had engaged work as a venue and emphasis of the Christian life. We saw the need to help church leaders understand this often-neglected facet of discipleship.
Our response is six events in six cities where this important work may begin.
With Chicago as our launch city, each gathering will focus on the biblical vision for vocational discipleship and how the church can bring flourishing to entire communities. Unlike some showy, performance-oriented conferences, LJ Live will be a personal, conversation-based setting where we will explore with our ministry peers how to mobilize all of Christ's people to live out their callings.
In the future, we may host other LJ Live events on other topics. For now, we begin with a vision for an integration of discipleship and vocation. May we all learn to deploy our skills, materials and influence to bring a Gods redemption to our work.
Suggestion for an LJ Live event? Email us here.
What will Redeeming Work explore?
The intersection of faith and work and a set vision for a sustainable integration of vocational discipleship within local churches, including:
- Research on the value of vocational discipleship among young adults
- Themes of justice and cultural renewal in Scripture and the historic theology of vocation
- The biblical basis for redemptive work in both the Old and New Testaments
- Pastoral guidance for those desiring to align their resources, opportunities and calling to see flourishing in their communities. What are their roles both in and outside the church?
- How church programing and leadership structures can be adjusted to foster an environment of vocational validation.
Who will speak?
We want to honor the intelligence of pastors by securing the wisest, most thoughtful voices on the topic. Some will be known and others are undiscovered sages within the Church. Tentative speakers that will be part of one or more events include: Tom Nelson (Work Matters), Amy Sherman (Kingdom Callings), Phil Vischer (Jellyfish Labs), Andy Crouch (Culture Making), and Skye Jethani (Futureville).
Why one day?
We have selectively pursued times and dates that coincide with the pastor's schedule. Providing this content over a single day means more church leaders can engage. Our intention with "Co-Work" pricing is to see every pastor attend with one key elder, lay leader or business professional from their church. Our scheduling choice also stems from respect for their time away from their work.
Who attends?
Any pastor, ministry leader or person within a church who cares about how the people in their faith community spend their workweek. Content will be directly targeted towards pastors and how they can unleash potential for vocational stewardship within their congregation. The material also applies to those working with their church leadership to implement a faith and work strategy.
Cities & Dates
Los Angeles – September 17, 2015