Dishes, diapers, cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, singing the ABCs again and again. My life as a mom of babies, toddlers, and preschoolers was wonderful—and it also wore me out. I longed for the day when all of my children could clean up without my help, were potty-trained, and could read and write on their own.
That season of my life was hard at times. But I now know with certainty that the season passed quickly—more quickly than I wish it had! The days were long but the years were short. I remember those years with a warm heart; I’m grateful that, while I was in that season, I gave it all I had. It wasn’t easy, but I remember other wise women in my life telling me to live well in my current season—and I’m glad I did.
Your hard season may have nothing to do with motherhood. It may be a difficult season with your health, your marriage, your finances, or your career. The specifics don’t matter as much as this: choosing to live well in the season you are in.
Even when a season of life is not ideal, we will only run our souls ragged when we are discontent and focused on longing for the next season. Choosing to trust that each day has purpose—even if it’s unseen—revives the soul. You don’t have to feel it yet, but you can choose to tell the Lord that you trust him and fix your eyes on the glory to come. In any season, this sort of contentment and hopeful surrender is exactly what your soul needs.
Chrystal Evans Hurst is the author of She’s Still There and the co-author (with Tony Evans) of Kingdom Woman. These devotions are adapted from She’s Still There, out August 8 and available for pre-order now at You can find her at and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @ChrystalHurst.