We met for coffee at 5 a.m. Between work, kids, and life responsibilities, she and I hadn’t had time together in a while. While I sat and listened to my friend of many years, I slowly realized, as the minutes passed, that spending time with her was filling my soul.
Throughout that day, I noticed that I was smiling a little more; I felt lighter moving through my usual tasks. My early morning meeting with a friend—someone who made me feel seen and significant—was a simple joy that filled me up!
Relationships exercise and feed our souls. Of course, sometimes relationships feel great and sometimes they don’t! But in either case, they are vital for our spiritual health. Maintaining relationships takes work, especially during busy seasons of life. It requires effort to make time for giving and receiving the gift of being “seen and significant.”
Sometimes relationships cause conflict and discomfort; sometimes they can seriously hurt. There’s no denying that we put ourselves at risk when we are in relationship to other humans. But Scripture clearly says that relationships marked by humility, gentleness, and patience bring unity, peace, and encouragement to our souls.
Chrystal Evans Hurst is the author of She’s Still There and the co-author (with Tony Evans) of Kingdom Woman. These devotions are adapted from She’s Still There, out August 8 and available for pre-order now at Zondervan.com. You can find her at ChrystalEvansHurst.com and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @ChrystalHurst.