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My Next Book? What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing

I'm working on a new e-book with Patheos right now. It's tentatively titled "What Every Woman Needs to Know About Prenatal Testing." I'm writing it in an attempt to offer a relatively short and accessible guide to pregnant women who want to know what questions to ask and how to make decisions when it comes to the array of prenatal screening and diagnostic tests available. This isn't a pro-life or pro-choice book. It isn't supposed to tell women what to do when faced with a series of choices. But it is an attempt to take my experience and offer guidance.

I knew very little about prenatal testing when I was pregnant with Penny. I stuck out my arm for the blood draw at 16 weeks because I thought information was neutral, and we could figure out what to do with the information when it came back to us. But now I know that information always comes in a particular context, and I wish I had been more thoughtful in my approach to prenatal testing in that pregnancy.

In large part because Penny was born with Down syndrome, I was forced to consider the purpose of prenatal testing and the ethical choices involved in the testing we chose during subsequent pregnancies. Along the way, I learned a lot about ethics, medicine, disability, and the prenatal testing industry. I've written about these decisions in the past, so often in fact that it's hard to decide what to link to right now... (type prenatal testing in the search this blog box and you'll come up with plenty). This book is an attempt to bring the thoughts together under one roof, so to speak.

Are there any questions you'd like to see my consider? Points you hope I'll address?

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