Editors’ Note

In this edition we take you from the depths of the ocean to eternity above and beyond.

We begin, however, on solid ground, with a portrait of a pastor during the American Revolution. To be faithful to one’s conscience at such times can be costly—and an inspiration for the rest of history.

Next we have a pair of articles that bring immortality to bear. The first is a piece on a jellyfish that never seems to die. The second, on the one work of men and women that will never pass away.

We end at the beginning, the beginning of all things: the incredibly good news of who God is and what he’s been up to since before time.

Our favorites in Wonder on the Web are beekeeping links. Creation and humankind working together—very much, we imagine, as God intended.

—The Editors

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Also in this Issue

Issue 4 / September 4, 2014
  1. What Steadfast Looks Like in a Revolution

    How in three years an evangelical pastor went from America’s first national hero to “the first of villains.” /

  2. Immortal Jellyfish

    A startling exception to the great biological rule. /

  3. Making Someone Who Lasts

    My enduring legacy is sleeping in the nursery. /

  4. The Gospel of a Splendid God

    The good news is better than we imagine. /

  5. Wonder on the Web

    Links to amazing stuff

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