The Humanitarian Disaster Institute and National Association of Evangelicals have each worked to create a series of tip sheets to help guide pastors and church leaders through various aspects of the reopening process. What follows is a summary of each resource and how it can make a difference for you during this stressful time.

Ministering In a Time of COVID-19

Working to bring people together in times of crisis is already difficult. But to do so well is another thing entirely. Many are at the point in their Coronavirus response where they are beginning to review and reflect on their efforts in recent months. This tip sheet serves as both an encouragement and a guiding set of principles to help those ministering to others. The five key principles discussed are as follows: attention, confession, respect, partnering, and truthing. Read more about each of these concepts and how they can impact your ministry in the coming weeks and months of your COVID-19 ministry.

Communicating With Your Church About COVID-19

Communication has been truly difficult during COVID-19. Misinformation, social distancing, and an atmosphere of fearfulness have all contributed to what some are calling an “Infodemic.” Relegating most social interaction to the digital space has led to serious obstacles for pastors and church leaders. Amidst this array of challenges is simply communication itself—talking about Coronavirus has its own set of obstacles. Check out this tip sheet to find some helpful guidance on how to communicate key information with various groups.

4 Pastoral Principles to Guide Your Reopening Discussion

Reopening your physical church building is a large task and one that requires careful consideration of many factors. Those within your congregation or on your staff team may have conflicting opinions, increasing tensions around an already challenging topic. This tip sheet gives some guiding concepts for these discussions to help promote unity in Christ and respect diversity of perspective. These four principles are as follows: 1) Focus on Christ as Head of the Church, 2) Offer pastoral leadership for worship, 3) Engage with authority, and 4) Commit to love. Explore these ideas and how to act them out through this resource.

COVID-19 Spiritual First Aid

Caring for others has always been a part of the Christian life. However, we are called now more than ever to provide aid in whatever capacity we can, including meeting core emotional and spiritual needs. This tip sheet explains the BLESS method, a way to match needs with research-informed interventions by way of assessment. The acronym BLESS stands for the various needs we can address when we see them in others: belonging, livelihood, emotional, spiritual, and safety needs. Utilize this resource to be equipped to help others well.

Pastoral Self-Care During COVID-19

Also titled: Coping and caring for oneself during COVID-19

Everyone needs to take care of themselves, especially when they are responsible to care for others. This is true of all leaders including pastors. Understanding your own needs is critical to providing care long-term. This tip sheet explores seven self-care strategies you can try including in your day-to-day life amidst COVID-19: 1) Take the necessary steps to protect yourself and loved ones, 2) Acknowledge that you need to cope, 3) Be mindful of how you compensate for your lack of control, 4) Stay in the present moment, 5) Take care of your body, 6) In moments of acute stress, shift your attention, and 7) Stay connected with others and reach out for support. Use this tip sheet to help you find space for rest in this busy time.

This post originally appeared at