Bible Verse:

You also saw how the Lord your God brought you through the desert. He carried you everywhere you went, just as a father carries his son. And now you have arrived here. … He went ahead of you on your journey. He was in the fire at night and in the cloud during the day. He found places for you to camp, He showed you the way you should go. Deuteronomy 2:32, 33


Abram travelled to foreign lands

through dusty earth

seeking food and safety.

Elohim provided.

I AM led his people by a cloud,

lighting up the night

with the fire of His presence.

I AM carried His people

as a father carries his son.

I AM provided.

David wandered through dark valleys

hiding from enemies,

drinking deeply from quiet waters.

El Shaddai provided.

For such a time as this

Esther revealed her identity,

fasting, praying, full of courage.

the hand of the LORD changed the fate of her people,

God’s people.

Yahweh Yireh provided.

Immanuel, You left Your heavenly home;

came to live with us.

Rescued us from our wanderings,

gave us hope and life in Your name.

Immanuel provides.

ABBA, you walk in front of me,

beside me, behind me

as I roam this earth

longing for my home.

ABBA, Father.


God most high, your people were on the move, but they were never alone.

Elohim, your great power makes the sun rise and set. You placed the stars in the sky that Abram saw as he lived in a foreign land. You carried your people through difficult times.

I AM, the one true God, your plans are far above mine. You have a specific purpose for my life. Help me remember that You know my way and You have a plan.

El Shaddai, God almighty, let me find refuge and rest in Your shadow. You go before me, walk beside me and cover me from behind.

Yahweh Yireh, You meet all my needs. Though I am often anxious and worry, You provide in Your own perfect timing.

Immanuel, you are with me. You have provided for my greatest need, forgiveness and new life, through the work of Your Son, Jesus, my Savior.

ABBA, Father, You give us the privilege of being called Your own sons and daughters. As I search for home, carry me and hold me secure in Your arms.

Practical Reflection to Carry Into Your Day:

How did God protect and provide for His people as they faced challenges?

Cheryl Sorenson earned a M.A. in Humanitarian & Disaster Leadership from the Humanitarian Disaster Institute out of Wheaton College in 2020. She is now the Associate Program Director at Dignity4Girls, an organization that advocates for vulnerable women and girls globally through physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual support.