Top 5 Bible Courses on Parenting

These were your favorite studies on this topic.

No calling in life is tougher or more important than our calling as parents. Because of that, we've created numerous courses on how to raise our children with faith and wisdom. These are the top five that you have downloaded.

5. Fighting for Your Prodigal Child

This four-session course will encourage you as you fight the heart-wrenching spiritual battle for your child. Written by a parent with a prodigal child, this wise author reminds us that parents of prodigals learn to face a different reality. We're in the middle of a battle with our own child, while grieving the loss of a dream. But to survive and move forward, we first have to face the hard realities. This course encourages us to set clearly defined boundaries, develop new strategies of praying, and focus on the promises of God. Consider doing this course with others who are struggling with a prodigal.

4. Developing the Spiritual Life of Children

Passing our faith down to our children is vital. How can we help them want to know Christ? This six-session course will discuss how to make God real to your children by teaching them how to pray, making church a positive experience, helping children make their faith their own, and using stories to make the Bible come alive.

3. Children & Materialism

Materialism permeates our everyday life. Commercials, magazines, and the internet blare societal values that are distinctly worldly, not godly. As a result, many of us have far more possessions than we actually need or use, and this tendency to accumulate things sends the wrong message to our kids. This four-session course brings us back to basic truths and helps you grapple with how to teach children biblical values such as sacrifice, generosity, and stewardship in an age of abundance.

2. Drawing the Line

We all want to raise responsible, respectful, and successful children, but sometimes it's difficult to know how to do that, or it seems that none of our methods are working. How can we avoid raising children who feel they can never quite measure up? How does rescuing our children from the consequences of their choices and behaviors undermine discipline? What roles, if any, do negotiation and compromise play in discipline? Should we require our kids to do chores, and how do we do that? How do we prepare them (and ourselves!) for their adolescence? This six-session course will explore these practical, crucial questions.

1. Raising Christ-Centered Children

What we want more than anything for our children is that Christ becomes the passion of their lives. To help us do that, this six-session course focuses on how we can discipline our children with unconditional love, raise counter-cultural teenagers, and overcome our parenting fears. It also examines how friendships make us better parents, shows the importance of parents presenting a united front, and teaches us how to model self-confidence for our kids.

JoHannah Reardon is the managing editor of She has written seven novels and a family devotional guide, and blogs at

For more parenting resources, visit the Marriage & Family section of this site.

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