Deepen Your Relationship with God

An invitation to a journey of spiritual growth

God invites each of us to travel with him along life’s highway, and he has a divine road map to prepare you for the journey. Along the way, we'll deepen our understanding of God and discover the kind of life he desires for us.

We long for God’s transformation in our lives, but where do we start? How do we begin to change? Spiritual growth can feel so daunting, but it truly is a journey. No matter who you are—or where you are in your relationship with God—growth requires drawing near to God and allowing him to speak to our hearts, changing us from the inside out.

God is eager to walk with us each and every day. In the process, our simple, everyday moments become sacred.

These 4 studies will deepen your relationship with God and help you with your next steps on the journey.

Understanding and Applying the Bible

Experience anew the Old Testament and New Testament and learn practices that will deepen your understanding of God.

Going Deeper in Prayer

No matter where you are, God can meet you there. Challenge and grow your understanding of prayer.

Fostering Faith-Shaping Friendships

Community is not a place of safety and familiarity, it's a place for forgiveness and celebration. Learn how to build friendships that can transform you and others.

1 John: Go Deeper in Christ

The why and how of being conformed to the image of Christ

What the Bible Says About Today's Headlines

Learn to think biblically about the hot topics you read and hear about daily such as gay marriage, immigration, torture, and more.

James MacDonald on Being Dead to Sin

Discover how to walk in freedom from sin so that you can fully life for Christ.

The Power of Prayer

Understand the nature of prayer and how it prepares us to accept God's answers—whatever they may be.

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Discover how others have dealt with tragedy, loss, and suffering while placing their hope in God.

Abiding in Christ

Richard Foster, John Ortberg, and Adele Calhoun share the ways they stay connected to Jesus Christ, the Vine.

Francis Chan: Sold Out to Jesus

Francis Chan reminds us that the surpassing greatness of Christ is worth everything.

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