The Power of Prayer
The Power of Prayer
Single Session Bible Study


It's the first response to news of a sick or hurting friend—"I'll pray for you." The Bible tells us that prayer has the power to heal. So what are we ...

For God So Loves the City
For God So Loves the City
Single Session Bible Study


Throughout the Bible, God demonstrates his concern for the city: "But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from ...

Forgiveness in the Hands of God
Forgiveness in the Hands of God
Single Session Bible Study


Most of us will never look into the eyes of someone who murdered our friends and family. But Hutu and Tutsi Rwandans are now reconciling years after one of the most devastating ...

Penitent Prophets
Penitent Prophets
Single Session Bible Study


As tensions rise over hot-button issues such as gay marriage and abortion, the Bible's fundamental disparity with the radical individualism of the world often stands in ...

Honest Anger
Honest Anger
Single Session Bible Study


It's a bit scary, but we have to admit the truth. At times, we get angry with God. The pink slip comes, even though we were told layoffs wouldn't happen. God tells ...

Believe God Loves You
Believe God Loves You
Single Session Bible Study


Little children in Sunday school are taught songs about Jesus' love. Most of us have memorized John 3:16, "For God so loved the world …." We believe ...

Bless and Honor God
Bless and Honor God
Single Session Bible Study


God wants to relate to us–personally and individually. He has purpose in all that happens to us, so we can find a new type of reasoning within our anger. Instead of ...

Replacing Anger
Replacing Anger
Single Session Bible Study


Learning to thank God for everything will help relieve our anger. With a little practice and a lot of grit, we can become grateful people. The place to begin is by replacing ...

The Case for Early Marriage
The Case for Early Marriage
Single Session Bible Study


Despite the church's best efforts at abstinence education, 90 percent of all American adults will have sex before marriage. Maybe what the church has been teaching about ...

Preparing for Worship
Preparing for Worship
Single Session Bible Study


This study explores the process of preparing spiritually, mentally, and physically for worship, so the worshiper is fully invested in the experience and ready to offer his ...

The Problem with the Prosperity Gospel
The Problem with the Prosperity Gospel
Single Session Bible Study


In the prosperity gospel, health, success, and ever-soaring profits in business are coveted, cherished, and publicly flaunted as signs of God's favor. In this new type of ...

The Gospel Defined
The Gospel Defined
Single Session Bible Study


The gospel of moralistic therapeutic deism is running rampant in the church. In an interview with Mark Galli, theologian Michael Horton says we are tempted to live a Christless ...

The Uniqueness of Jesus
The Uniqueness of Jesus
Single Session Bible Study


A popular idea in our pluralistic times is that Jesus is no more special than Muhammad, Buddha, and or any other religious leader. This runs counter to what Jesus said about ...

The Myth of the Perfect Parent
The Myth of the Perfect Parent
Single Session Bible Study


According to Leslie Leyland Fields in "The Myth of the Perfect Parent," Bible-believing parents have imbibed the philosophy of John B. Watson, an early 20th-century ...

What Causes Stress?
What Causes Stress?
Single Session Bible Study


Everyone experiences some kind of stress, and it's impossible to get rid of all stress. For some, stress can even be motivational. The word stress does not occur in ...

Living a Vibrant Gospel Lifestyle
Living a Vibrant Gospel Lifestyle
Single Session Bible Study


How do most non-believers view Christians today? Do they see evidence of a life that stands for something larger than the accumulation of material goods and self-fulfillment, ...

A Whole-Bible Gospel
A Whole-Bible Gospel
Single Session Bible Study


What is one quick and seemingly painless way we often reduce the size of our gospel? We reduce what we study in the Old Testament portion of the Bible - approximately three ...

The Gospel, a Napkin, and Four Circles
The Gospel, a Napkin, and Four Circles
Single Session Bible Study


Today's young people do not look at the world as their parents did, so the way we express the gospel to them needs to be rethought. But how do we express the gospel in ...

What Is Fear?
What Is Fear?
Single Session Bible Study


Perhaps the most famous fear quote of all time came from Franklin D. Roosevelt at his first Inaugural Address, which occurred in 1933, in the middle of the Great Depression: ...

Fear's Close Associates
Fear's Close Associates
Single Session Bible Study


Fear perpetuates other problems in our lives. If it runs amok, it can move from being a mild annoyance to outright panic, which paralyzes us. Whether you experience these ...

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