The Ground Rules of Discipline

The Ground Rules of Discipline

Why it’s important for parents to allow children to experience the natural consequences of their choices and behavior.
Single Session Bible Study


"Logical, age-appropriate consequences can solve most disciplinary problems," says Suzanne Woods Fisher in her article for CHRISTIAN PARENTING TODAY. Parents often rescue their children from the consequences of their choices and behavior. Fisher says instead of rescuing them, we need to set clear expectations, make logical connections, and be willing to get tough.

What are the results of having expectations that are too high for a child's developmental level? What role does communication have in discipline? Why are natural consequences an effective means of discipline? How does rescuing our children from the consequences of their choices and behaviors undermine discipline? This study uses biblical wisdom, applicable questions, and practical activities to aid in disciplining through natural consequences.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 2:12–34; 4:12–18; Proverbs 5; 19:18–20; Luke 15:11–24; Ephesians 6:1–4; Colossians 3:20–21


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: Parents need to have age-appropriate expectations for their children.

Teaching point two: Parents need to communicate clear expectations and consequences for behavior.

Teaching point three: Parents need to let children experience the natural consequences of their choices and behaviors.

Teaching point four: If you rescue your children from consequences, you will end up rescuing them again to the detriment of their character.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources


The Power of Consequences, by Suzanne Woods Fisher (Jan./Feb. 2002, 13 printed pages)

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