What Is the Significance of the Trinity?

What Is the Significance of the Trinity?

We better understand God when we better understand the Trinity.
Single Session Bible Study


At the very heart of Christian belief is a concept called the Trinity. It's so central that one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century, Karl Barth, said, "Trinity is the Christian name for God." God is a Trinity of three in one, co-equal and yet distinct, called the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

This study will ask: What does it mean that God is a trinity? Why do we believe it? Where do we find it in the Bible? Is this philosophical nonsense or vital to our understanding of God? What difference can the doctrine of a triune God make in our lives?

Table of Contents


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: God is one.

Teaching point two: God is three—diverse, yet unified.

Teaching point three: The doctrine of the Trinity is necessary for us to move ahead as Christians.

• Apply Your Findings



"Trinity": The Christian Name for God, by Matt Woodley

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