Karl Barth: Teacher And Preacher

Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum, by Karl Barth (John Knox Press, 1960, 173 pp., $3), and Deliverance to the Captives, by Karl Barth (SCM Press Ltd., 1961, 160 pp., $3), are reviewed by Gordon H. Clark, Professor of Philosophy, Butler University.

Finally—although Carrère’s French translation also came as late as 1958—Barth’s Anselm, first published in 1931, has been translated into English by a man so modest that his name does not appear on the title page—Ian Robertson.

Barth’s detailed analysis of Anselm’s argument, including the reply to Gaunilo, aims to show “That Anselm’s Proof of the Existence of God has been repeatedly called the ‘Ontological’ Proof of God, that commentators have refused to see that it is in a different book altogether from the well-known teaching of Descartes and Leibniz, that anyone could seriously think that it is even remotely affected by what Kant put forward against these doctrines—all that is so much nonsense on which no more words ought to be wasted” (p. 171).

According to Barth, Anselm did not try to prove the existence of God a priori, from the definition of God—as Descartes did, nor is Anselm’s proof based on some neutral proposition acceptable to an unbeliever. A thesis, such as the existence of God or why God became man, is taken as an unknown x, and its proof consists in deducing it from propositions a, b, c, which are taken as known parts of the Creed. Thus, proof of x depends on showing its necessary connection with the remainder of the Christian faith. Obviously Kant’s remarks are irrelevant to such a procedure.

Even within this framework Barth denies that the existence of God is deduced from his nature. He holds that it is deduced from the revealed name of God—than which nothing greater can he conceived. But can a name that is not a mere name like Charles, but is rather a descriptive phrase, be so sharply separated from the nature of God? Does not such a phrase tell us something of what God is? The answer to this question depends on one’s view as to the locus of Gaunilo’s foolishness.

One may also doubt that Barth’s view of the creedal framework of the proof, even though it describes Anselm’s actual procedure in Cur Deus Homo, does justice either to his procedure in the Proslogion or to his avowed intention in Cur Deus Homo: “Leaving Christ out of view, as if nothing had ever been known of him, it proves by absolute reasons the impossibility that any man should be saved without him,” and that Christ’s death must be proved “reasonable and necessary” so as to convince one “unwilling to believe anything not previously proved by reason.” At the end of his work Anselm makes his pupil say, “By this solution … I see the truth of all that is contained in the Old and New Testaments, for in proving that God became man by necessity, leaving out what was taken from the Bible … you convince both Jew and pagan by the mere force of reason.”

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But in any case Barth’s book is a major contribution to medieval studies.

After one has read Barth’s scholarly Anselm and perchance some of his profound Church Dogmatics, it becomes a matter of lively interest as to what kind of sermons such a great man preaches, particularly to the prisoners in the Basel jail.

But how does one review a book of sermons? Naturally these are quite a come-down from his great writings. Some will strike a reader as good, others as poor. The first sermon of the collection seems strained at the beginning, rescued only by a peculiar shift to a pertinent application at the end. The second is a thoroughly delightful Christmas message that could hardly be improved upon. And so on.

The message of the sermons seems to be that all men are totally depraved sinners who can be saved only by the grace of God exhibited in Christ’s vicarious atonement. Therefore no one should be anxious about anything, least of all hell, for God has mercy on all, and even the unrepentant thief was saved: “Peter and the remaining disciples could only ‘get in line behind’ the two criminals who were first and up front. This is true for men of all times” (p 82).


Unity In Communion

The Bread Which We Break, by G. D. Yarnold (Oxford, 1960, 112 pp., 10s. 6d.), is reviewed by Lewis B. Smedes, Professor of Bible, Calvin College.

The moment at which all Christians are most really united and most obviously divided is the moment when the one loaf is broken. The bread which we break is the one loaf, but we break it in isolation from one another. How long shall we go on acting as though there were many loaves?

Dr. Yarnold’s book is a small contribution to a better understanding of the meaning of the one loaf broken in commemoration of the death of our one Lord. He has, as an Anglican, given a charitable and lucid account of the sacrament in Scripture, in history, and in implications for the future. Though I have put several question marks in the margins of Dr. Yarnold’s exposition, I have also put several Amens. Take, for instance, the matter of the real presence of Christ. “Sacramental grace is essentially and really a personal influence mediated through covenanted means Christ is personally present to faith in the sacrament, and so imparts Himself personally to those who apprehend His presence” (p. 92). It is this real personal influence of our Lord on the faithful which creates the basis for the unity of faithful Christians across denominational borders. God grant that it may be more widely realized in visible fact.

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Conversion Analyzed

The Battle for the Soul, by Owen Brandon (Hodder & Stoughton, 1959, 94 pp., 4s. 6d.), is reviewed by John Gwyn-Thomas, Rector, Illogan, Cornwall, England.

Interest in the topic of conversion has recently been further stimulated by Dr. Sargent’s The Battle for the Mind, and Mr. Brandon, who lectures in pastoral psychology at the London College of Divinity, has felt it the right moment to set forth the fruits of his own studies and wide reading on the subject. His aim is to give “a psychological and pastoral study of conversion in order to raise the most important questions for pastoral practice.” Although written from an evangelical standpoint, not everyone will be satisfied with the author’s interpretation of the experiences of some of his cases nor indeed of the angle of approach to what he calls “the special type of religious propaganda which we generally call evangelism.” Forthright comments are given, specially on pages 69–77, on the serious consequences of some types of modern evangelism, and these are reinforced by Mr. Brandon’s own pastoral experience. All engaged in the task of soul winning will profit from the discussions on Premature Decision, The Lapsed Convert, and Ethical Standards in Evangelism. The conclusion is that “the best evangelistic work can be done by the resident minister who is trained for the work and who has behind him all the spiritual reserves inherent in the life of the Church, in its fellowship, its worship, its sacraments and its services.”

This is a timely book which will be valuable for Christian workers. But though it was far from the author’s intention, an uneasy suspicion lurks that with an emphasis on psychological analysis and methods, the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit is relegated to the background.


Campbell Morgan Lectures

The Word of God for Abraham and Today, by Donald J. Wiseman (Westminster Chapel, 1959, 20 pp., 1s. 6d.) and The Dead Sea Scrolls and St. John’s Gospel, by Leon Morris (Westminster Chapel, 1960, 21 pp., 1s. 6d.), are reviewed by Gervase E. Duffield, Manager, London Office, CHRISTIANITY TODAY.

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These two lectures seek to shed light on the Bible by means of recent discoveries. Mr. Wiseman of the British Museum explodes the scholars’ legend of Abraham as a mythical tribal hero. He describes Abraham’s background and the customs of the ancient Near East, but his precise date is still uncertain. Genesis 23 reflects an accurate and early knowledge of Hittite law, and Genesis 15 tallies with ancient Babylonian ideas of inheritance. A detailed picture of life at Ur is given, and throughout specialist knowledge enlivens the background of God’s dealings with the patriarch.

Dr. Morris weighs the difference and similarities between Qumran and John, and concludes that Christianity’s uniqueness remains unchallenged because Christ makes the difference, but that the Fourth Gospel is Palestinian, now that the ideas and vocabulary—previously thought by some to be Hellenistic—have appeared on the shores of the Dead Sea. Ample quotations are given to enable the readers to judge the degree of harmony for themselves.


Medical Analogies

The Heart of Things, by Nathaniel Beattie (Victory Press, 1960, 119 pp., 8s.6d.), is reviewed by Stanley H. Gould, Medical Practitioner, Cambridge, England.

Dr. Beattie is both doctor and minister, and therefore well qualified to write on spiritual analogies from medical science. The book is informative, interesting and without any rivals. The author takes a series of vital human organs, discusses their structure and function, and then deduces spiritual applications. Thus he writes on the human blood, explains its main functions, and then takes the word in Scripture and shows its vital importance in the Christian faith. In this way, the heart, the nerves, the eye, the ear, sleep, and dietetics are handled. Dr. Beattie includes a very useful chapter on fear and the Gospel answer to it. Faith in Christ, he insists, has a healing influence on the whole man, body and spirit. Lack of a vital link with God and neglect of the spiritual life are the most serious causes of nervous disorders. The book is not a scientific treatise: the facts are essentially basic. Nevertheless, it is full of robust common sense, evangelical fervor, and biblical teaching. It should prove particularly valuable to young people.


Mission To Children

The Good Seed: The Story of the Children’s Special Service Mission and the Scripture Union, by J. C. Pollock (Hodder and Stoughton, 1959, 254 pp., Illustrated, 12s. 6d.), is reviewed by F. K. Drayson, The Wirral, Cheshire, England.

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Founded on a Welsh beach in 1867 by Josiah Spiers, an eccentric with a real gift for Christian work amongst the young, the Children’s Special Service Mission is now one of the most influential evangelical organizations in the British Commonwealth. One of its offshoots is the Scripture Union, a worldwide Bible reading system with literature in more than a hundred different languages, and with over a million members. It is easy to criticize the work of the CSSM and the views of the characters who appear in the pages of this book. Particularly with the earlier men, one wishes that they had worked in closer co-operation with the local churches, and that they had pondered more carefully the biblical teaching on the work of the Spirit in conversion. Nevertheless, it was a work which God honored, and the quality and devotion of the men who guided it are self-evident. Throughout, it has remained faithful in its evangelicalism, and there must be few Christians, at any rate in Great Britain, who have not learned to their profit from its workers or from its literature. Many owe their conversion as children to its work on beaches, at camps, in schools, and elsewhere.

Those who look for a critical history will be disappointed, for Mr. Pollock does not set out to write this. Instead, he gives us a series of sketches of men and events which have shaped the story of the CSSM, though sometimes he tends to describe what is interesting rather than what is important. With the overseas work, one almost feels that some topics are brought in largely for the sake of mentioning another country. In a book of this sort, opinions will vary on the choice of subjects; the reviewer would like to have read more of the work in the English Public Schools and of the Caravan Mission to Village Children. Perhaps some day a fuller history will be published, and it is to be hoped that it will include an apology for the existence of a mission to children. Some of our forefathers would have preferred to seek to influence families through the parents rather than through their children, and who shall say if their method was not wiser?


Disorder, A Sign Of Life

The Spirit of Protestantism, by Robert McAfee Brown (Oxford, 1961, 264 pp., $4.50), is reviewed by Edward John Carnell, Professor of Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, Fuller Theological Seminary.

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To appreciate the scope of this work, one need imagine what would be involved, were he to undertake a defense of Protestantism. The author of this sparkling book has done a good job. He sees Protestantism as an ongoing dialogue between those who have received Christ as Saviour, and who thereby accept God’s judgment against their lives, that they may live by grace alone.

Since the author is so consistently charitable in his judgments, I can only assume that he enjoys a remarkable freedom from personal hostility. Many writers (myself not excluded) would be tempted to vent their spleen when they face elements in Protestantism which have little respect for classical traditions, and which place the Protestant position in a bad light by their contempt for an educated ministry, their disparagement of liturgies, their separation from the communion of the saints and general culture, and their endless proliferation into splinter denominations and demagogically-controlled sects.

The author deftly reverses the field by insisting that the disorder in Protestantism is really a sign of life—like a house which is being occupied by an active family. He contends that Protestants should find ways to manifest the unity they already have (unity in Christ), rather than rushing about looking for ways to create unity.

The major weakness in the book, as I see it, is in biblical authority. We are left with the vague criterion that “the Bible witnesses to Christ.” How this criterion can illuminate difficulties in exegesis and hermeneutics is not clearly explained.

The extensive notes in the back of the book are a gold mine of bibliographic references and parenthetic comments. And when the author deals with the dialogue between Protestants and Catholics—well, he is simply superb. May this book enjoy the wide reading that it justly deserves.


Sober Lesson From Kagawa

Kagawa of Japan, by Cyril J. Davey (Abingdon Press, 1960, 150 pp., $2.50), is reviewed by Calvin D. Linton, Professor of English Literature and Dean of Columbian College, The George Washington University.

This is one of those rather rare products in the world of religious publication: a book of genuine literary merit, professionally competent in all departments of the writer’s craft. And to those who believe that Christianity is primarily an ethical system, not a plan of redemption, it will be doubly gratifying, for, as all know, Toyohiko Kagawa consistently emphasized service over doctrine. “To Kagawa,” writes Dr. Davey, “Jesus Christ has never been a subject for theological argument. He would have found it possible to worship God, in love, even without the revelation of Jesus.” Jesus’ own words to the contrary will echo in the minds of many readers, but even for them there is in Kagawa’s life a sober lesson. This man’s hope for the restoration of the world may ultimately have rested upon the insecure foundation of man’s innate goodness working through constantly improved social instruments, but his works far outshone those of many who, while more scripturally rooted, have forgotten the warning that faith without works is dead.

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Dr. Davey, who has published some forty books and plays in England, is minister at Epsom, in the Sutton (Surrey) Circuit of the Methodist Church of England. He has here written what is at once an exciting narrative, a sensitive and illuminating book about Japan and its people, and a stirring account of what power is generated when only one human being truly tries to put the ethical teachings of Christ into practice.


In A Manly Way

Man to Man, by Richard C. Halverson (Cowman, 1961, 259 pp., $3.95), is reviewed by Charles Ferguson Ball, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, River Forest, Illinois.

It is not given to many men to be able to speak in a manly way to the hearts of men. It seems quite evident from reading this book that Dr. Halverson is gifted beyond many in saying the vital things to meet the need of the hour. His messages are pungent and they reach home. His vast experience in personal work has fitted him to reach the hearts of people who think and seek the answers to life’s great questions.

Here are 92 pithy two-page articles arranged in eight chapters, covering questions that are uppermost in a man’s thinking today. They all call for a verdict. They are refreshing and they get quickly to the point and also straight to the heart.


Bibliography Limited

Introducing Christian Ethics, by Henlee H. Barnette (Broadman, 1961, 176 pp., $3.75), is reviewed by Bert Hall, Interim Dean and Professor of Philosophy, Houghton College.

The problem of any systematic treatment of ethics is to state principles and suggest applications so that the reader may clarify his own views of the good life. The author has nobly accomplished this in a straightforward style and has produced a readable work for the beginner in ethics.

The two parts of the book are by no means equal in value. Part I discusses the “Principles” of Christian ethics. The author paraphrases through the Old Testament books and briefly introduces us to ethics of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. In scattered references he reveals an objective bias by adherence to the theory of evolution (pp. 16, 88), the views of higher critics (p. 35), and the heavy Stoic influence on Paul (p. 74). The author never clearly builds the New Testament ethic upon the new man in Christ, but sees the example and teaching of Jesus as His chief value.

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The chapter on the Holy Spirit well covers the action of the Spirit in personal life and conduct, but sadly neglects His work in Christian witnessing and evangelistic power.

The second part of the book, discussing the “Problems” of practical Christian ethics, is intensely valuable for the systematic collection of principles in concrete areas of action. The chapter on “Marriage and the Family” is especially helpful.

Each chapter is documented with footnotes from current books and periodicals, but the evangelical reader will note with apprehension the complete lack of evangelical authors in the references or recommended readings. Was Mr. Barnette left in ignorance of outstanding evangelical works such as Carl F. H. Henry’s Christian Personal Ethics and John Murray’s Principles of Conduct while he did his research at Harvard?


Work Remains To Be Done

A Christian Approach to Education: A Bibliocentric View, by H. W. Byrne (Zondervan, 1961, 362 pp., $4.95), is reviewed by C. Adrian Heaton, President, California Baptist Theological Seminary.

There is a deep hunger among evangelical Christians to find a comprehensive, consistent philosophy of education growing out of the authoritative Bible. H. W. Byrne, Dean of the Fort Wayne Bible College, presents in this volume his attempt to be comprehensive, definitive, and thoroughly biblical. The publishers state on the book’s jacket that “He deals specifically with every phase of the educational picture in this comprehensive work—vast in scope, practical in application, concise in presentation, and almost limitless in its broad understanding of the educational process.” With such a lead, the reviewer read this book in happy expectation.

There are three major sections. The first attempts to state the Christian theistic world view and its implications for the construction of a Christian philosophy of education. The second part of the book deals with the educational process and the school system. Aims, teacher-pupil relationships, the curriculum, and methods are given special attention. The final section of the book is an attempt to delineate the special contributions of five fields of study: biblical studies, social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, and communicative skills. The volume also has an extensive bibliography, a glossary of philosophical terminology, and an index.

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In spite of the soundness of the assumption that the Bible is authoritative and is the basis of educational philosophy, the book was a great disappointment to the reviewer. Many sentences were simply incomprehensible. Some were not true to fact. Here are just a few illustrations of the inadequate statements that appear in the book.

“Protestantism resulted from a revolt against the Roman church. It advocated a return to Christian theism as advanced by Jesus and the early church” (p. 26). Surely the author must know that the Roman church has perhaps done as much as any other to formulate Christian theism.

“Non-rational creation is that part of creation without the power of exercising the qualities of personality, primary of which are intelligence, reason, including all levels of creation below that of man” (p. 47).

“Having the conviction that God has revealed Himself of mankind, the Christian educator begins both his concepts and practices in education with God, believing as he does that Christian education is actually a re-interpretation of God’s interpretation” (p. 67).

“The principle of self-activity demands that the teacher control the activity of the pupil in the right direction and often in that direction” (pp. 142, 143).

It is our hope that others will attempt to spell out a comprehensive Christian philosophy of education based on a sound biblical faith.


Tempted To Envy

A Psychology for Preaching, by Edgar N. Jackson, (Channel Press, 1961, 181 pp., $3.75), is reviewed by Andrew W. Blackwood, Sr., Professor Emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary.

This is an able book by a “liberal evangelical” who excels in clever negations. The first two chapters, in content and form, show all sorts of welcome insights. The other seven chief parts move on a more familiar level. As a whole the volume should awake many a conservative minister and send him to his knees before the open Bible to ask God why he cannot make his Bible-centered pulpit work as practical and, in the right sense, as “hearer-minded” as that of this master in applied psychology. Many of us learn far more of value by careful perusal of such a book than by enjoying one that tells us only what we already know and believe. In time this man should take a worthy place among liberal authors whose books tempt the rest of us to envy mastery of the writer’s art.

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Sermons By A Master

Can I Know God?, by W. E. Sangster (Abingdon, 1960, 176 pp., $2.75), is reviewed by C. Philip Hinerman, Minister, Park Avenue Methodist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The recent death of W. E. Sangster, beloved evangelical pastor of Westminster Central Hall, London, caused the entire Christian world to feel its sense of loss. No other British preacher in this generation preached to such large congregations with a heart more warm and more truly evangelistic than this great soul.

In the lingering months of his life, in the midst of great suffering and pain, his faith did not fail him, but through a ministry of prayer and intercession he did keep the faith.

All of this is relevant to this review, for the book glows with the warm faith of the author. This is evangelical preaching and also evangelistic preaching. When these sermons were preached they doubtless moved the auditors deeply.

In The Path to Perfection (his Ph.D. thesis, revised for publication), Sangster proved his scholarly ability. Although he wrote rather voluminously in a popular vein thereafter, he resisted almost to the end the temptation to publish a book of sermons. In the preface to this volume, he makes an apologetic defense for the publication of the book. These sermons in printed form are transparently simple, full of tempting illustrations—and easy to purloin!


Joy In Reminiscence

Out of My Life, by V. Raymond Edman (Zondervan, 1961, 224 pp., $3.50), is reviewed by C. Ralston Smith, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

A college student who cancels a summer steamship job to keep his contract with the Lord—a doughboy who successfully seeks assurance from God concerning his assignments—a professor who avoids the meeting which might open up a new job for him—an educator who waxes enthusiastic about religious experiences—a president who joins the student body in seasons of prayer—all these are included in the sketches which trace the interesting life of Dr. Edman. The book of reminiscences is not exhaustive nor entirely autobiographical. It is rather a series of interesting experiences, mostly subjective and personal, showing the guidance of God which is given to those who walk close with him.

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Anything coming from the pens and hearts of the official family at Wheaton College would be conservative in its theological tenor. So is this book, but without the rigidity which is sometimes ascribed to those who believe in the fundamentals of our faith. The predominant note struck in recounting these episodes is that of joy. While there is the over-all feeling that “the good guys always win in the end,” yet the testimony of the faithfulness of God prevails when the desire is unrealized, too. One or two instances of intimate experiences with God are told without maudlin sentimentality or vulgar boldness. Scriptural references and phrases are sprinkled throughout. Jeremiah 29:11 is quoted repeatedly, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” This epitomizes the main thrust of the book.

The poems of Amy Carmichael and a few others are used wisely and with effect. The book should have a warm reception among evangelicals generally and within the Wheaton family especially.


Book Briefs

In Christ, by E. Stanley Jones (Abingdon, 1961, 380 pp., $2.50). Short devotional meditations on the New Testament for each day of the year.

The Treasury for Special Days and Occasions, compiled by E. Paul Hovey (Revell, 1961, 317 pp., $3.95). More than 1,200 inspirational anecdotes, quotations, and illustrations.

Lift Up Your Life, by Morris Goldstein (Philosophical Library, 1961, 194 pp., $4.75). Practical rules for daily living by a rabbi who has taught for more than a decade at Pacific School of Religion; how to capitalize on “chance and luck.”

Bible Light on Daily Life, by Philip E. Howard, Jr. (Baker, 1960, 213 pp., $2.50). Pithy counsel of wisdom and grace for daily devotions.

Effective Readings for Special Days and Occasions, by Laura S. Emerson (Zondervan, 1961, 118 pp., $1.95). For various church-related occasions, from bridal shower to missionary convention.

How Can These Things Be?, by Bill H. Lewis (Zondervan, 1961, 87 pp., $1.95). Sermons on Christian maturity by a Southern Baptist evangelist.

Time Out, by Al Bryant (Zondervan, 1961,182 pp., $1.95). A year’s daily devotions for the young.

Monser’s Topical Index and Digest of the Bible, by Harold E. Monser (Baker, 1960, 681 pp., $5.95). A volume which makes more widely available the valuable topical analyses in Monser’s Cross-Reference Bible.

Children and Religion, by Dora P. Chaplin (Scribner’s, 1961, 238 pp., $3.95). A realistic and practical educational guide for parents and teachers.

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Handbook of Denominations in the United States, by Frank S. Mead (Abingdon, 1961, 272 pp., $2.95). Second revised edition of a fair and concise record of U. S. denominations’ history, doctrines, organization, and present status—a most helpful volume by the editor-in-chief of Fleming H. Revell Co.

Near to God, by Abraham Kuyper (Eerdmans, 1961, 108 pp., $2). Selected meditations from the devotional classic To be Near unto God (trans. by John Hendrik de Vries) by the great Dutch theologian and statesman.

Life of John Knox, by Thomas M’Crie (The Publications Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 1960, 294 pp., 8s). Reappearance of a premier nineteenth-century biography of Knox as part of Scottish Reformation fourth centenary observance.

History of Interpretation, by Frederic W. Farrar (Baker, 1961, 553 pp., $6.95). The 1885 Bampton Lectures, comprising what Bernard Ramm has called “the only great history of hermeneutics in English.”

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, edited by Leslie F. Church (Zondervan, 1960, 784 pp., $9.95). Monumental commentary abridged to one volume.


The World’s Great Scriptures, by Lewis Browne (Macmillan, 1961, 559 pp., $2.95). Anthology of sacred books of ten principal religions (first published in 1946).

Reinhold Niebuhr, edited by Charles W. Kegley and Robert W. Bretall (Macmillan, 1961, 486 pp., $1.95). Essays of interpretation and criticism of Niebuhr’s work by 20 scholars (first published in 1956).

The Quest of the Historical Jesus, by Albert Schweitzer (Macmillan, 1961, 413 pp., $1.95). The famed Alsatian’s first important work, published in German in 1906, interpreting the life of Christ on the basis of “thoroughgoing eschatology,” which attributed to Jesus a crude, mistaken apocalypticism.

The Sacred and the Profane, by Mircea Eliade (Harper, 1961, 256 pp., $1.45). Treats the significance of religious myth, symbolism, and ritual within life and culture (trans. into English from French in 1959).

The Great Religions by which Men Live, by Floyd H. Ross and Tynette Hills (Fawcett, 1961, 192 pp., $.50). A study of world religions which unfortunately purports to “point the way to a larger faith”; primary allegiance given to “that pattern of divinity as it emerges in all things human” (first published in 1954).

The Protestant Reformation, by Robert G. Torbet (Judson, 1961, 96 pp., $1). Rather brief survey published for the Cooperative Publication Association, an interdenominational agency to provide study materials for older youth and young adult groups.

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Love and Conflict, by Gibson Winter (Doubleday, 1961, 200 pp., $.95). An attempt to understand modern strains upon family life. The deepest ill: anxiety which keeps us from talking out our conflicts (first published in 1958).

The Next Day, by James A. Pike (Doubleday, 1961, 197 pp., $.95). A “how to” book for personal crises, including how to: know yourself, sleep, stay married, die (first published in 1957).

Directory of Christian Colleges in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean, compiled by Clara E. Orr (Missionary Research Library, 1961, 38 pp., $1.50). Expanded revision of a monograph first published in 1955.

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