Table Of Contents
May 20 1996, 1996
Volume 40, Number 6
May 20
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Jerusalem's Living Stones
Will Christianity's oldest church survive the peace process?
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News Hound Heaven
EDITORIAL: Taking Politics Out of the Sanctuary
The church's energy should be spent in redeeming the lost, not in rallying against them.
Can't Buy Me Ministry
Leaders of contemporary Christian music are worried about the meaning of their success.
Who's the Leader of This Band?
Michael Card and Steve Taylor wonder what the industry won't do for money.
Shepherding the Stars
Nashville pastor Scotty Smith on the lures, hurdles, and safeguards for Christian artists.
ARTICLE: Is Death a Right?
What begins as a right can soon become an obligation.
ARTICLE: Back to the Bible (Almost)
Why Yale's postliberal theologians deserve an evangelical hearing.
CONVERSATIONS: Bringing the Jews to Jesus
Tuvya Zaretsky argues that only Y'shua has the credentials to bring peace to the Middle East.
BOOKS: God, in His Own Words
Donald Bloesch delivers a Bible-anchored theology for the whole church.
BOOKS: Once Upon a Story
How to make your life a good read.
SIDEBAR: You Can’t Get There from Here
Worshipers, families separated at Easter.
Religious Fanatics Wage War