Our lives are built one small brick at a time, ordinary day by ordinary day. With each little expression of thoughtfulness we create something of immense significance—character, both our own and that of others." So says author Donald McCullough, an ordained minister and president of San Francisco Theological Seminary, in Say Please, Say Thank You (Putnam). It is a witty, wise, and sometimes daring book (do you really want your teenager hearing McCullough's counsel to "Tell white lies"?). The proverbial insights start in the chapter titles for the Table of Contents, reprinted here. Read them, and take their wisdom to heart. That is, please read them—and thank you.

01. Say Please: Respecting the freedom of others

02. Say Thank You: Acknowledging dependence on others

03. Tell White Lies (Occasionally): Protecting from unnecessary hurt

04. Don'g Let Your Fingers Do the Talking: Curbing the violence within

05. Don't Show Up at the Wedding in a Baseball Cap: Showing respect with what you wear

06. Don't Be Late: Guarding the time of others

07. Respondez, S'il Vous Plait: Being considerate of others' plans

08. Wait Until Everyone Is Served Before You Pick Up a Fork: Observing the social significance of meals

09. Keep Your Feet Off the Coffee Table: Valuing the property of others

10. Keep Your Bumper Off My Tailpipe: Waiting your turn

11. Hold Your Wind: Trying not to offend with bodily grossness

12. Pay What You Owe: Rendering others their due

13. Keep Your Hands to Yourself: Acknowledging sexual boundaries

14. Be Quiet in Church: Cultivating a sense of reverence

15. Don't Wear Red to a Chinese Funeral: Honoring our differences

16. Apologize When You've Blown It: Accepting responsibility for your failures

17. Use Nice Stationery: Attending to the forms of communication

18. Close Your Mouth and Open Your Ears: Learning to be a good listener

19. Be First to Reach for the Tab: Developing a generous spirit

20. Leave a Tip Worth Working For: Noticing those who serve

21. Go Home Before Your Host Falls Asleep: Not abusing the gift of hospitality

22. Hang Up the Phone During Dinner and Bedtime: Avoiding unnecessary intrusions

23. Kneel Down to Speak with Children: Meeting others at their own level

24. Respect Your Elders: Honoring those who nurture and lead

25. Watch What You Say: Understanding the power of words

26. Don't Leave a Messy Campsite: Cleaning up after yourself

27. Keep a Secret: Earning the trust of others

28. Don't Let Your Dog Romance My Leg: Remembering not everyone shares your interests

29. Stop Drinking While You Can Still Remember Your Mother's Maiden Name: Bestowing the benefits of moderation

30. Stay Out of the Bay Until You Know the Difference Between a Starboard and a Port Tack: Learning and obeying the rules of the road

31. Don't Tell Jokes at the Expense of Others: Forbearing humor that demeans

32. Keep Card Companies in Business: Remembering milestones

33. Tell Your Buddy His Fly Is Open: Speaking the truth in love

34. Pretend You Don't Notice When Your Dinner Partner Drools: Strengthening the bonds of community

35. Wave to Motor Boaters: Strengthening the bonds of community

36. Once in a While, Be a Slob: Knowing when to break the rules

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