Table Of Contents
August 7 2000, 2000
Volume 44, Number 9
August 7
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A Woman's Place
Women reaching women is key to the future of missions.
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Exhilarated by Grace
Public Education: Pregame Prayer Barred
After pregame prayer is barred, educators say they do not need a microphone to pray.
Updates (has wrong subtitle)
After pregame prayer is barred, educators say they do not need a microphone to pray.
Christian College Tuition Chart
Christian college costs are lower than the national average, but increasing at a higher rate.
Ecumenism: Time to Kiss and Make Up?
The financially strapped NCC reaches out to evangelicals and Roman Catholics.
Urban Evangelism: Baptists on the Block
Southern Baptists work and witness in Chicago street outreach.
Episcopal Church: No Balm in Denver
Episcopalians defer debate over same-sex blessings for another three years.
Obituary: Presbyterian Bell, 67, Dies
Long-time Dallas pastor and chairman of Christianity Today International's Board of Directors stricken at Montreat, North Carolina
Presbyterians Reject Same-Sex Ceremonies
Indonesia: More Than 200 Die in Rioting
Mexico: Healing the Violence
Presbyterians, Catholics try to reconcile as expulsions persist in Chiapas.
Will Putin Protect Religious Liberty?
Freedoms may be in danger in the new Russia.
Nicaragua: Sowing Seed, Growing Churches
Central American farmers gather more than one harvest.
India: Pastors as Gravediggers
Christians hope to break the silence and overcome Asia's prejudice against people with AIDS.
Do Good Fences Make Good Baptists?
The SBC's new Faith and Message brings needed clarity—but maybe at the cost of honest diversity.
Prison Ministry in Mozambique
Missionary says women suffer grave injustices.
Church Planting in Senegal
Clarke wants the African-American church fired up about career mission service.
We Met Noah's Other Children
For years our congregation had done short-term missions projects. Then the Afar of Africa expanded our vision.
Beyond the Numbers Game
A veteran missiologist and marketing analyst implores the missions community to tabulate less and pray more
Mainstreaming the Mainline
Methodist evangelicals pull a once 'incurably liberal' denomination back toward the orthodox center.
Silence Is to Dwell In
An hour of quiet is a rare gift, hard to come by in an ordinary week, even for those who seek it.
How to Infect a Culture
Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell thinks churches can learn a lot from the flu bug.
Why Paul Revere’s Message Stuck
A case study in word-of-mouth epidemics.
Partial Birth: What Next?
Louisiana's special assistant attorney general questions well-intentioned lawmakers.
Classic & Contemporary Excerpts from August 07, 2000
Quotes on Christian virtues | posted 8/22/00
Joy Amid the Pain
Theologian John Mark Hicks discovered the healing power of lament.
Recipes for the Soul
Phyllis Tickle thinks cookbooks and prayerbooks have a lot in common.
No More Hollow Jesus
In focusing so intently on Jesus the man, Peter Jennings' report missed the big picture.
Oberammergau Overhaul
Changes make the Passion play more sensitive to Jews and more faithful to Scripture.
Salad-Bar Christianity
Too many believers pick and choose their own truths.