Table Of Contents
June 12 2000, 2000
Volume 44, Number 7
June 12
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We’re in the Money!
How did evangelicals get so wealthy, and what has it done to us?
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Follow the Money
Holding the Middle Ground
United Methodists reject homosexual marriages and ordinations.
Higher Education: Eagles, Crusaders, and Trolls—Oh My!
Christian colleges rethink sports mascots.
Puerto Rico: Puerto Rican Christians Unite Against Navy Bombings
Mourning, but glory for religious protesters removed from Vieques
Evangelism: Anne Graham Lotz Launches Five-city Revival Tour
Anne Graham Lotz says, Just give me Jesus in five-city revival.
New Mexico: Can Prayer Cut New Mexico's Crime?
A New Mexico county sheriff thinks so.
AME Zion: And God Said, 'Get out of Zion'
Maryland megachurch fights its former denomination over $38 million in disputed assets.
Belief Police
Tufts University bans-then reinstates-InterVarsity over complaint from bisexual student.
Children's Ministry: Toon Time
An Arkansas church does Disney one better to attract kids.
Laos: Enemies of the State
Laotian Christians held in wooden stocks for refusing to recant their faith.
Pakistan: Military Leader Backpeddles on Human Rights Decision
Iraq: Sanctions Missing the Mark
Christian leaders argue embargo punishes the poor, not the Iraqi elite.
Colombia: Death in the Night
Colombia's pastors endure extortion, kidnappings, and threats as they plant churches and help the poor in a war zone.
We’ve Got Porn
Online smut is taking its toll on Christians. What is the church doing about it?
Thus Spoke Superman
Troubling language frames the stem-cell debate
When Burkett Speaks, Evangelicals Listen
How this former unbelieving electrical engineer became evangelicalism's financial answer man—and a look at the advice he gives.
Forgive Us Our Debts: Rich Christians in an Age of Easy Credit
Rich Christians in an age of easy credit
The Seven Deadly Signs
Ministries that think they can do no financial wrong deceive themselves.
The Freedom to Resist
The African-American experience teaches us that political activity is essential to the church's identity.
Potlatch Gospel
Alaskan churches debate whether they should reach at-risk youth by using their culture's pre-Christian traditions.
Discipleship by Numbers
A pretty effective formula for small souls (like mine).
Peter Jennings on Jesus
ABC anchorman Peter Jennings discusses what moved him as he filmed a special on the life of Christ.
Suicide—A Preventable Tragedy?
A ministry helps churches handle the complex issue.
In the Word: In the Valley of the Shadow of Idi Amin
An African Perspective on Psalm 23.
The Real Christian Coalition
Evangelical politics is bigger than the religious right.
A Living Birthday Letter
A 2000 tribute to Ruth Graham.
Popular Culture: The Ballad of John and Jesus
Two books tell the story behind John Lennon's short-lived conversion.
Classic & Contemporary Excerpts from June 12, 2000
Quotations on getting, giving, and generosity
A Lonely Day in the Neighborhood
The breakdown of community is not just a hunch of social commentators, but a sociological fact with severe consequences.
The New Civic Family
The homeschooling Scheibner family isn't bowling alone.
The Personhood Wars
Aristotle and Aquinas enter the bioethics debate, answering what it means to be human.
Suffer the Children
Inner-city gradeschoolers reawakened author Jonathan Kozol's dormant faith.
A Healthy Cult
A lively response by one unusual audience shows how God's power transforms culture.