Book Reviews

Limit Books By:
Book Title (Most Recent)AuthorRating
Dobson, Ed5 Stars - Masterpiece
Swartz, David R.5 Stars - Masterpiece
Payne, J.D.4 Stars - Excellent
The End of Men: And the Rise of Women
The End of Men
Rosin, Hanna4 Stars - Excellent
Collins, Kenneth J.3 Stars - Good
Lee, Justin3 Stars - Good
White, James Emery3 Stars - Good
Conner, Benjamin T.4 Stars - Excellent
Guinness, Os3 Stars - Good
Mulder, John M.not rated  
The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill: The Untold Story of Arthur Shores and His Family’s Fight for Civil Rights
The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill
Lee, Helen Shores, Shores, Barbara Sylvia, George, Denise not rated  
Kirkpatrick, Melanie3 Stars - Good
Aikman, David 4 Stars - Excellent
Berlinerblau, Jacques2 Stars - Fair
Kim, Elijah4 Stars - Excellent
Meyerson, Michael4 Stars - Excellent
Sin: The Early History of an Idea
Sin: The Early History of an Idea
Fredriksen, Paula3 Stars - Good
Bock, Darrell L.not rated  
Zempel, Heather not rated  
Wolffe, Mark Hutchinson and John not rated  
Turnau, Ted4 Stars - Excellent
Loconte, Joseph 5 Stars - Masterpiece
McGrath, Alisternot rated  
Dillon, Christine 4 Stars - Excellent
Romanowski, William 4 Stars - Excellent

Top Story April 23, 2024

Passover’s Promises for My Children
Passover’s Promises for My Children
When I married into a Jewish family, antisemitism hit home. Now, the holy day reminds me of our future hope.

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