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Hold Your Clapbacks
C.S. Lewis recommended discernment over diatribes in exactly the moments we’re most eager to indulge in critique.
Being HumanEpisode 14|1 hr
‘Listen, Listen, Speak’ with Jay Kim
Reaction and reflection in the age of social media.
'Recatada e do lar': conteúdo traduz o fundamentalismo para a linguagem do Instagram
Movimento recente de influenciadoras cristãs tenta “trazer de volta” uma visão estreita da feminilidade bíblica, com belas fotos, vestidos longos e pães caseiros.
Vamos trazer a modéstia de volta para a Internet!
Sim, ganhamos um público, mas expusemos demais nossa alma.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 100|51min
An Update to The Anxious Generation with Jonathan Haidt
New insights into mental health, religious communities, and the digital world.
Même en ligne, nous avons encore besoin de la pudeur.
Avec le développement des blogs et des réseaux sociaux, nous avons gagné un public. Mais nous avons surexposé nos âmes.
Make the Internet Modest Again
We gained an audience but overexposed our souls.
Les « tradwives » ou le renouveau fondamentaliste sur Instagram
Une nouvelle vague d’influenceuses veut « restaurer » une vision étroite de la féminité biblique avec de jolies photos, des robes longues et du pain fait maison.
Viens, suis-moi ! Les pasteurs brésiliens face à la concurrence des influenceurs chrétiens
Des responsables évangéliques mettent en garde contre l’immaturité spirituelle et les motivations économiques à l’œuvre sur les réseaux sociaux.
Bad News May Be a Burning Bush
I understand frustration with media negativity. But bad news may be God’s invitation to work alongside him.
O evangelho segundo o Instagram: influencers cristãos disputam com os pastores pela atenção dos crentes
Líderes evangélicos alertam contra a imaturidade espiritual e as motivações econômicas no espaço das redes sociais.
Viral JesusEpisode 114|38min
Kristen LaValley: Even If He Doesn’t
Heather and Kristen LaValley discuss finding God while navigating pain.
Come, Follow Me: Brazil’s Christian Influencers Outcompete Pastors for Attention
Evangelical leaders warn against spiritual immaturity and economic impulses in the social media landscape. 
Tradwife Content Offers Fundamentalism Fit for Instagram
The latest influencer movement wants to “bring back” a narrow vision of biblical womanhood with pretty pictures, long dresses, and homemade bread.
Os cristãos não podem ‘solucionar’ o conflito entre Israel e Hamas
Jesus poderia acabar com essa crise. Mas seus seguidores certamente não têm o mesmo poder.
Viral JesusEpisode 113|39min
Jenn Schultz: She’s Not Your Enemy
How to turn feelings of comparison and insecurity into a spirit of kinship and encouragement.
The Bulletin Episode 71|45min
Where’s That Line, Anyway?
Mike and Nicole reflect on the recent death of protestor Aaron Bushnell and its implications for a Christian ethic of protest.
온라인에서 인기있는 설날에 전할 축복 묵상
시편 65편과 민수기 6장 등 공유할 만한 성경 구절 세 개를 소개합니다.
Try to Talk Before You Go
Cutting off “toxic” people is social media’s go-to mental health advice. But Jesus commands us to seek conversation and reconciliation.
Viral JesusEpisode 110|39min
Kevin Olusola: ‘I Thought God Was Crazy’
From Kentucky to Yale to viral video, this Pentatonix bandmember is a beatboxing, cello-playing, a cappella–singing messenger of hope who had planned a career in medicine, not music.

Top Story April 25, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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