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Os cristãos não podem ‘solucionar’ o conflito entre Israel e Hamas
Jesus poderia acabar com essa crise. Mas seus seguidores certamente não têm o mesmo poder.
The Cross Is Poetically Profound. But Prose Can Help Us See It Clearly.
Brian Zahnd’s meditation on cruciformity is theologically rich, but sometimes theologically risky.
Waiting for the Light in Hitler’s Prison
A reminder of God’s faithfulness amid great darkness from Hanns Lilje, a Christian leader imprisoned in Nazi Germany.
Fatalism in Sri Lanka: When Karma Makes Suffering Seem Inevitable
How the attitude manifests in Sri Lanka—inside and outside the church.
우리의 나쁜 소식들에 대한 좋은 소식
때때로, 고통을 단지 영적인 것으로만 치부할 수는 없습니다
Хорошая новость о плохих новостях
Иногда страданию невозможно придать какой-то символический смысл.
‘Have You Considered My Servant Kevin?’
A new film, “The Shift,” is an entertaining, thoughtful, and cinematically competent retelling of Job.
Christians Can’t Fix the Israel-Hamas War
Jesus could end this crisis. His followers almost certainly can’t.
Conspiracist Thinking Is Cultural Marxism
Marx’s view of history powerfully shaped how we think about time and power, but it’s not the Bible’s view.
El terremoto de Marruecos inspira a las iglesias marginadas a la caridad cristiana
Aunque su fe no es reconocida por el gobierno, los creyentes locales sirven a los desplazados que buscan descubrir la voluntad de Dios y encontrar refugio.
Morocco Earthquake Moves Marginalized Churches to Christian Charity
Their faith unrecognized by the government, local believers serve displaced neighbors seeking shelter and the will of God.
Berbahagialah Mereka yang Meratapi Bunuh Diri
Memedulikan orang yang menderita membutuhkan teologi penderitaan yang kaya.
I Find Comfort in the Divine Warrior
A surprising psalm changed my view on God’s presence during seasons of trial.
Why Does Creation Groan?
Scripture and science suggest that animal suffering fits into a divine artistic story.

Top Story April 24, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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