Kingdom Sightings

Al Hsu

Al Hsu

Al Hsu is an editor at InterVarsity Press and author of The Suburban Christian, Grieving a Suicide, and Singles at the Crossroads. His column ran in 2008.

Al Hsu: Relative Differences
Family Ties
Sometimes relatives differ, and that's okay.
Hsu: Surprised by Disability
Surprised by Disability
Why the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensible.
A Distinctively Christian Greeting
Grace and Peace
How a simple salutation points us toward a new society.
Hsu: A Multifaceted Gospel
A Multifaceted Gospel
Why evangelicals shouldn't be threatened by new tellings of the Good News.
Kingdom Sightings: A Clearer Vision
The Vision Thing
Clarity came just as things got blurry.

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