Welcome to a new quarterly feature of The Russell Moore Show: all about books! The enthusiastic listener response to the “Best of Books 2022” episode encouraged Russell and producer Ashley Hales to share their recent reads more often.

Tune in for a conversation that celebrates reading widely while also going deep into a few books, specifically Looking for the Hidden Folkby Nancy Marie Brown. This episode delves into the tendency to praise or criticize people based on their generation, the effect of social media and influencers, and genre-bending works by both Christian and secular authors.

Books discussed on this episode include:

Speaking of books, pre-order Russell’s new title, Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America, here!

Do you have a question for Russell Moore? Send it to questions@russellmoore.com.

Ashley Hales is the producer of The Russell Moore Show, founder of Willowbrae Institute, and an author. Find out more at aahales.com.

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“The Russell Moore Show” is a production of Christianity Today
Executive Producers: Erik Petrik, Russell Moore, and Mike Cosper
Host: Russell Moore
Producer: Ashley Hales
Associate Producers: Abby Perry and Azurae Phelps
CT Administration: Christine Kolb
Social Media: Kate Lucky
Director of Operations for CT Media: Matt Stevens
Production Assistance: coreMEDIA
Audio Engineer: Kevin Duthu
Coordinator: Beth Grabenkort
Video Producer: John Roland
Theme Song: “Dusty Delta Day” by Lennon Hutton