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The Foolish Wisdom of Bilbo Baggins
There is "more of good" in the hobbit than is apparent at the outset of his adventure.
Why Love Never Ends
And why everything else does.
How We Hide Our Suffering
An excerpt from 'Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free.'
The Awakening of Hope
Where theology begins.
Making Too Much of Marriage
The problem is not God's good gift of holy matrimony—it's when we desire it above all else, forgetting the Christian virtue of self-denial.
How Rick Warren Harnessed the Power of Social Habits
And why—after plunging into depression—Saddleback's pastor now pushes spiritual habits through 'The Power of Habit' concept.
The Sacraments of Place
To break the cycle of ideology in the church, try "going local."
Battling with Bitterness over My Sister's Abuser
Let go of your rage and resentment, before they poison your soul.
Don't Just Forgive
The church defies the counsel of Jesus when it fails to insist on the wrongdoer's repentance.
Learning from My Father: Lessons on Life and Faith
Excerpts from recent books.
Business Is the Church's Business
It's wrong to elevate an ecclesiastical elite over the money-making members of the body of Christ.
Subversive Kingdom
Living as agents of gospel transformation.
Fool on a Tightrope
The once-wayward son of a famous evangelist recounts his precarious passage into adulthood.
Connecting Christ
How to discuss Jesus in a world of diverse paths.
You Don't Have to Quit to Find Life-Giving Work
Even if you don't like your job, you have a calling to serve God and others.
Your Church Is Too Safe
Why following Christ turns the world upside-down.
Beauty Will Save The World
Rediscovering the allure and mystery of Christianity.
J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom on God's Will
Finding guidance for everyday decisions.
Be Not Afraid
Facing fear with faith.

Top Story April 25, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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