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Buy to Be, Be to Buy
Sure, consumerism is bad. But we need to think about why.
Open Competitors
Campus Crusade's early tensions with InterVarsity and other college ministries. An excerpt from Bill Bright and Campus Crusade for Christ.
All Shook Up
Experience in Pentecostal churches fired a love of music many early rockers couldn't shake
A Christ-Haunted American Original
Cash had a sometimes constructive, sometimes tortured relation to his faith and his native land.
Heaven Is Not Our Home
The bodily resurrection is the good news of the gospel—and thus our social and political mandate.
Opening a Door into Prayer
A reflection on solitude during Lent, excerpted from Small Surrenders: A Lenten Journey.
Technology and the Gospel
Phyllis Tickle, Brian McLaren, and others weigh in on worship and evangelism in a plugged-in age.
What Evangelism Isn't
We need to stop mistaking other Christian activities for the spreading of the gospel.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing: From Wesley to Our Hymnals
At least four people brought the now-inviolable hymn to its current form.
Hillary's Spiritual Formation
Sen. Clinton's youth group leader was one of her early influences toward social activism.
The Communion of the Saints
Acknowledging those who have run the race before us.
The Gospel According to Safeway
The checkout line and the good life.
Runner-up Wife
And other resources that give insight into remarriage.
The Son's Day to Sunday
Sunday tells how the first day of the week went from the Lord's Day to Christian Sunday.
Amish Grace and the Rest of Us
The Amish response to the Nickel Mines shootings wasn't just plain Christianity.
Meditating Like a Dog
Eugene Peterson on the discipline of spiritual reading.
The Winter of Our Discontent
"A cantankerous old woman is never so annoying as when she is in some way related to you."
Does God Have Enemies?
The message of Obadiah.
An Obligation to Remember Eternally?
Resentment, even in the name of justice, is not for those who expect God's final reconciliation.

Top Story April 23, 2024

Let the Seas Rise and Feed the Poor
Let the Seas Rise and Feed the Poor
Helping marine biodiversity flourish is a means of participating in God’s work, says an Indonesian theologian.

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