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Congregation loses property battle
Reading, Writing, and Rulings
Courts: Good news for homeschoolers, bad news for Christian schools.
Re-Imagining Reality
Artist Makoto Fujimura launched the International Arts Movement to 're-humanize the world.'
Up for Grabs
The God gap grows in Washington.
Me, My Church, and I
Building a Bench
"Film it, show it to the world, and other people will be inspired, too."
Rejecting "The Jewel of Medina"
Is the romance novel about Muhammad a religion story?
Keeping faith on the DL
Stephen Nichols argues that Americans have remade Jesus in their own image.
Do vice presidents really matter?
Dangerous TEAM Work
Missionary's ordeal shows country's growing instability.
'Now we have risen and we will destroy them all...'
New video reveals intent of Hindu fundamentalists to purge Orissa of Dalit Christians.
Why Not to Trust Online Polls
Say a Prayer for the Suffering Church of India
India's Christians set aside Sunday, Sept. 7, for prayer and fasting.
The Gap, The Gap
Q&A with Mike Huckabee
Q&A with Sen. Brownback

Top Story April 18, 2024

In Secular UK, Evangelical Alliance Experiences Record Growth
In Secular UK, Evangelical Alliance Experiences Record Growth
Leader explains why the movement is seeing its biggest membership bump in 30 years and its mission for the years ahead.

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