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An Orphan Took Over an Orphanage. Its Mission Changed.
Emanuel Nabieu was taken in by the Child Rescue Center 16 years ago. Now he is taking the organization in a different direction.
Is the Pope Catholic? Then These Christians Say Don’t Pray with Him.
In Europe, evangelicals are divided over the right relationship with Rome.
Um caminho que não é para os fracos de coração
O custo da cruz em um mundo que ama o prazer.
Un Camino no apto para débiles
El precio de la Cruz en un mundo que ama el placer.
Being HumanEpisode 5|44min
The Journey into Emotional Health
Steve welcomes his wife, therapist Lisa Cuss, for a discussion on trauma, grief, and healing.
홍콩의 운명론: 코로나19와 중국의 강력한 통제는 하나님의 뜻인가?
그 태도가 홍콩의 교회 안팎에서 어떻게 나타나는지
How a Radio Current Jolted a Christian Leader into Staying in Ministry
After an accident on a radio tower, Federico Magbanua went on to inspire a generation of pastors in the Philippines.
‘God & Country’ Preaches to the Choir
Rob Reiner’s documentary makes a strong case against political extremism in the name of Christ—for those who already agree.
How Contemporary Christian Music Explains American Christianity
When the CCM business model faltered, it gave way to what sells even better: politics and fearmongering.
Holy CuriosityEpisode 4|39min
Shechem, Part 4: The Other Woman from Shechem with Jackie Roese and Lynn Cohick
This week’s conversation brings a new perspective to one of Jesus’s most misunderstood disciples, the woman at the well.
Ce que le réveil d’Asbury m’a appris sur la génération Z
Il y a un an, j’ai vu une réponse à une certaine forme désinvolte de christianisme.
Leap Year Sale
Buy 1 year of CT, get 1 year free.
Black Americans Who Leave Church Don’t Go Far
How their disaffiliation stands to have a bigger impact on their communities and why leaders are hopeful they’ll come back.
Can Self-Help Books Really Help?
Self-help books are wildly popular, including among Christians. But can they keep their promise to improve us?
L’Église orthodoxe est plus évangélique que vous ne le pensez
Un expert lié au Mouvement de Lausanne évoque l’appartenance à l’Église, le bien-fondé du prosélytisme interconfessionnel et l’exemple donné par Billy Graham en Russie et en Roumanie.
Les prières des supporters croyants sont-elles efficaces ?
Des responsables chrétiens — et des supporters de la Coupe d’Afrique des nations — de six pays s’expriment sur le rôle de Dieu dans le sport.
Try to Talk Before You Go
Cutting off “toxic” people is social media’s go-to mental health advice. But Jesus commands us to seek conversation and reconciliation.

Top Story April 25, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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