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Putting Christian and Missionary Alliance Theology in Song
What if worship music got a little more denominationally specific? A new artists’ collective is experimenting with that.
New Yorkers Watch as Their Only Evangelical Colleges Close
The abrupt departure of Alliance University and The King’s College leaves a hole in an influential city.
Looking for a Detox for Unhealthy Masculinity
And other responses to our July/August issue.
Colombian Christians Preached Social Justice. Practicing It Is Harder.
The birthplace of “integral mission” is also the epicenter of a migration crisis. It’s difficult to get local churches to care.
Praise Him with Harp and Tuba?
When SBC worship leaders look to their congregations for musical talent, this is what they find.
My High Priest Understands My Pain
Jesus’ mercy is in his complete understanding of our hurt, not only in his ability to solve it.
Culture War Is Not Spiritual Warfare
Our ideological opponents are not the enemy.
I Hadn’t Committed Suicide. But I Was Spiritually Dead.
The prison ID’ed the wrong man. But the mistake was powerfully revealing.
The Gospel Is Greater Than Its Greatest Proclaimers
That fact should bring humility to our evangelism, even as it spurs us to keep sharing the Good News.
Sticking Out and Fitting In as an Asian American Believer
Theologian Michelle Lee-Barnewall reflects on her ethnic identity and her identity in Christ.
Stowaway Pastor Survives Atlantic Crossing
And other brief news stories from Christians around the world.
Christians Seek to Expand Holy Land Tours to Include Christians
Arab believers want American visitors to see the “living stones” in Israel.
The Cost of Creativity: Bonhoeffer Set Aside Ethics For Art. Did He Choose Well?
The theologian set aside his nearly finished magnum opus while in prison, investing instead in creative writing.
5 Books on the Witness of the Old Testament Prophets
Chosen by Andrew Abernethy, professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, coeditor of “The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness,” and author of “Savoring Scripture: A Six-Step Guide to Studying the Bible.”
Honor Thy Church Mothers—with Wages
Despite their crucial role in congregational life, 83 percent of women’s ministry leaders remain unpaid.
Take a Risk and Make a Friend
With God’s help, a little intentionality can go a long way toward healing our loneliness.
New & Noteworthy Fiction
Chosen by Rachel Hauck, author of “The Best Summer of Our Lives”.
The Middle Ground Leads to Nowhere
Neutrality doesn’t work in church. But we can recover the heart of our faith.
The Bots and the Bees
Following Jesus in our AI era.
How to Handle Toxic Friendships
3 tools to help us develop empathy.

Top Story April 24, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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