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Surprised by Freud
A new movie, “Freud’s Last Session,” imagines a dialogue—and a friendship—between the famed psychologist and C.S. Lewis.
This Buddhist Leader’s Favorite Bible Verse
Why Budh Sharan Hans loves Colossians 3:23-24.
이집트에서 영원으로
여러 세대에 걸쳐 울려 퍼지는 마리아와 요셉의 역경.
De Egipto a la eternidad
La difícil situación de María y José resuena a través de las generaciones.
Waiting for the Light in Hitler’s Prison
A reminder of God’s faithfulness amid great darkness from Hanns Lilje, a Christian leader imprisoned in Nazi Germany.
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Hinduism
Recommendations for gaining a more nuanced perspective of the faith of 1.2 billion.
From Egypt, Into Eternity
The plight of Mary and Joseph echoes through generations
Promised LandEpisode 1|47min
Promised Land: It’s Complicated
What happened on October 7 changed everything for Israelis. We visit Kfar Aza to understand why.
20 наиболее читаемых статей Christianity Today на русском языке за 2023 год
Скончался Тим Келлер, которого называли пастором Нью-Йорка; чего стоило одному из российских пасторов его выступление против путинского вторжения в Украину; в каких странах труднее всего следовать за Иисусом.
O contraste entre duas mães
Como Maria e Isabel exaltam a Deus por meio da alegria mútua.
Kontras Antara Dua Ibu
Bagaimana Maria & Elizabet mengagungkan Tuhan melalui sukacita mereka bersama
Appreciating the Art of Divine Surprise
Scripture is full of stories inspiring awe. Are we allowing ourselves to be astonished?
Oui, le bœuf et l’âne ont une place dans la crèche.
Si de nombreuses représentations traditionnelles de la Nativité sont d’une historicité douteuse, elles ne nous enseignent pas moins quelques profondes vérités bibliques.
Un contraste entre deux mères
Comment Marie et Élisabeth exaltent Dieu dans leur joie partagée.
Bethlehem Cancels Christmas, But Local Pastors Still Expect a Holy Night
As war disrupts traditional festivities, Palestinian Christians see an opportunity to return to the Nativity story and share the gospel.
A Igreja Ortodoxa é mais evangélica do que você imagina
Entrevista com especialista afiliado à Lausanne discute quem está na igreja, a pertinência do proselitismo e o exemplo dado por Billy Graham na Rússia e na Romênia.
Friends Are Your Family of Faith—and Your Spiritual Comrades-in-Arms
Rebecca McLaughlin takes the topic of friendship beyond warm and fuzzy feelings.
Две такие разные матери
Как Мария и Елисавета вместе радуются и прославляют Бога.

Top Story April 24, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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