
My Personal Use of the Bible
"If ever I get to the place where the Bible becomes to me a book without meaning, without power, and without the ability to reprove and rebuke my own heart, then my ministry will be over."
Firm on the Fundamentals
Carl Henry on Graham's contributions to evangelicalism.
Keeping the End in View
How the strange yet familiar doctrine of theosis can invigorate the Christian life.
Five Ways to Pray the Psalms
An abridged version.
Schooled by the Psalms
Learning to pray is like playing the violin with virtuosos.
Fire and Nice
Minnesota's Twin Cities are home to a feisty collection of influential churches.
How Biography Informs Biology
Another lively exchange in the origins debate.
Maxwell's Magnum Opus
Boiling down a lifetime of leadership lessons.
Rome's Battle for the Bible
Synod of Bishops revisits inerrancy compromise reached at Vatican II.
Worshiping with Creeping Things
Why the grocery store is a holy place.
Christ and Culture and Church and Creation
We should not disconnect the Great Commission and the cultural mandate.
Defending the Faith
Conservatives face huge obstacles in putting Anglicanism back together.
Anathemas All Around
Charges of heresy underscore stakes of debate over Trinity.
The Imprimatur of Happiness
In Pope Benedict's hands, Christian joy becomes the antidote to modern meaninglessness.
Voting Like It Matters
It's not only our civic duty — it's a sacred one.
Emerging Theology, Liberal Politics
Does one thing lead to the other?
The Engine of the Market
It's not capital. Why wealthy evangelicals and others need to reconsider executive compensation.
Pity for a Devastated Wall Street
The difficulty in times like this is treating the powerful with justice.
A Holy Longing
Beauty is the hard-to-define essence that draws people to the gospel.
Tempted by Politics
Why many pastors want to, but shouldn't, endorse candidates.

Top Story April 20, 2024

You Can’t Reach People for Christ While Holding Their Culture at Arm’s Length
You Can’t Reach People for Christ While Holding Their Culture at Arm’s Length
A veteran missiologist shares a lifetime of lessons on bringing the gospel into unfamiliar settings.

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