
David didn’t wear Saul’s armor and neither should you.
Don’t Waste Your Life Trying to Live Someone Else’s
Image: Flickr

“Your time is limited. Don’t waste it trying to live someone else’s life,” said the iconic Steve Jobs in a 1995 commencement address at Stanford University. These words call forth a sense of urgency. God wants us to spend our lives being who he has ...

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Fourteen insights for ministry, marriage, and more.
What I Learned in 2014
Image: Flickr

This year has been the best of times and the worst of times. Yet through it all, God has been faithful to his promise––to continue to conform me into the image of Jesus. Over the holidays, I’ve spent time reflecting, and I want to share 14 insights I had ...

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Prepare for the new year with a time of reflection.
Crafting a Life Vision Statement
Image: Unsplash

As we approach a new year, it is a great time for reflecting on what God has done, is doing, and wants to do in and through us. Over the past few years, I have used a life vision statement as a tool to help me think through what I believe God is asking me to do in my life. ...

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Three leadership insights that will make you a better pastor today.
It’s Not All About the Weekend
Image: Erick Hodge

Every day it feels like I learn something new. When I was younger, I thought I knew everything, but the older I get the more I realize how much I really don’t know. Here are three pastoral leadership insights I’m learning. I hope they encourage you.

Don’t ...

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Seeing salvation in high-definition.
How Can Enemies Now Be Friends?
Image: Erick Hodge

How can enemies now be friends?

When the people of first-century Ephesus looked at its multiethnic congregations of Jews and Gentiles, this question must have been on their minds. The apostle Paul wrote his letter to encourage these ethnically diverse congregations of former ...

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Developing servant-leaders in the local church.
Ask for a Towel, Not a Title
Image: Flickr

A little while back, I was in a conversation with a gentleman at our monthly newcomer’s gathering. He was a Christ-follower who had walked with Jesus for many years. He asked the typical questions that someone would ask concerning the new local church he was considering ...

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Three ways to overcome pitfalls that stunt our growth.
Patience, Persistence, and Progression, Not Perfection
Image: Erick Hodge

During the midst of a difficult, frustrating time, a young leader that I love and admire requested my help. Everyone that I have the privilege of serving I love, but I must admit that this young leader has a special place in my heart. I’m passionate about the church ...

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Lessons for building a successful team.
What US Sen. Tim Scott Taught Me About Leadership
Image: www.scott.senate.gov/official-photo

The success of any organization––a family, local church, business, or government––is rooted in effective leadership. I recently attended the 13th annual Charleston Leadership Breakfast in Charleston, South Carolina. The purpose of the event is to bring ...

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Imprint your divine design on whatever you do.
Tattoo Everything You Do with Excellence
Image: Erick Hodge

Everything we do is a reflection of who we are and what we worship.

If God gave us his best in Jesus, shouldn’t we desire to give our best back to him, even through our work?

Excellence is defined as: “the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.” Whether ...

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Three strategies to avoid a spiritual implosion.
How to Not Screw Up Your Life
Image: Flickr

Dear Christian,

I’m concerned about you. I’m concerned about me.

It seems that just about every month I hear stories of church leaders and other Christians who disqualify themselves for leadership because of:

• An emotional affair with a staff member

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How do you get over the hurt when people leave your church?
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Image: Erick Hodge

A couple of years ago, we were going through an amazing season of growth at Transformation Church. We witnessed awesome baptisms, record attendance, and most importantly, many people committing their lives to Jesus. God’s gracious hand was blessing us beyond measure. ...

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What picture of the future has God tattooed on your heart?
Seeing the Unseen
Image: Unsplash

As a leader, what picture of the future has God tattooed on your heart concerning the organization you lead?

This soul-tattoo is called vision.

When you have a vision from God, there is an internal pull that you can’t measure. But you know it’s real.

It ...

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Three Practices to Grow as a Leader.
Instead of Building Your Platform, Build Your Character
Image: Erick Hodge

If you’re a pastor or leader, words like “platform” and “influence” are important.

But if we aren’t careful, in our desire to build our platform and influence, the end result will be building our EGO.

As leadership gurus Ken Blanchard ...

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Simple steps we can take to guard our hearts.
Pastor, Five Signs We're in Danger
Image: Mike Blake/REUTERS

I’ve learned a great spiritual lesson from the series, “Lord of the Rings,” that I pray will guide and protect me, my wife and children, and the people I lead at Transformation Church.

In this epic story, Sméagol kills a friend for a special ring ...

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