Innovative Ministry

Innovative Ministry
The 3 Best Times to Bring Needed Change to a Church
Healthy churches are always looking for ways to make good things better. They don’t wait for something to break before they fix it.

It’s not always easy to fix long-term problems and implement needed changes in a church – especially when old, dysfunctional ways have taken root.

Sometimes we make our job harder than it needs to be, not by doing the wrong things, but by doing the right things at ...

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Innovative Ministry
7 Steps to Start Becoming a Church People Want to Commit To
A lot of recently unchurched people are like some of the rowdy kids in school. They’re ditching because they’re not being challenged.
7 Steps to Start Becoming a Church People Want to Commit To

People who don’t go to church, don’t want to go to church. They’re not rolling out of bed late on Sunday morning wishing they had somewhere more churchy to be.

In fact, a growing number of people who do go to church don’t want to go, either. If we don’t ...

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Innovative Ministry
Front-Load the Value: Creating a Better Experience for First-Time Church Guests
Is your church service putting your worst foot forward instead of your best? Here's a simple way to reverse that.

What does your church do well? And how long does it take a first-time guest to experience it?

Your response to those questions is a huge factor in how well your church attracts and keeps new people.

According to church leadership experts, most people will subconsciously decide ...

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Innovative Ministry
3 Ways Some Churches Grow Without Getting Bigger
Butts-in-the-seats growth is great. But it’s not going to happen for every church. That's never a reason to give up, coast along, or offer excuses.

Do all healthy things grow?


If a church is healthy, will it grow?

Also, yes.

Will that growth always result in larger congregational attendance?

Not so fast.

When Church Growth Theory Meets Church Life Reality

I know it seems logical.

If a church is healthy they’ll be reaching ...

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Innovative Ministry
The Right Way to Do Church?
Let's stop looking for a one-size-fits-all way to do church. And stop insisting on it for others.
The Right Way to Do Church?

I have no idea what the right way to do church is.

And I'm growing increasingly skeptical of anyone who says they know.

Sure, I write about it. But most of the time it's little more than "here's something that helps me and my church. Maybe it can help you and ...

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Innovative Ministry
Know Your Audience: 8 Principles for Speaking Effectively in Any Situation
Speaking effectively has more to do with how well you listen than how much you talk.

You knew your audience.

That was one of the greatest compliments I’ve ever received in ministry.

It happened after speaking at a Prayer Breakfast at a US Army base in Germany that was in the process of being closed.

One of the military chaplains pulled me aside. “Thank ...

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Innovative Ministry
How to Be an Innovator Without Being an Imitator
Innovative leadership should constantly drive us to communicate eternal truths in fresh, new ways.

The tagline for this blog is Innovative Leadership from a Small Church Perspective.

New readers often ask what I mean by innovative leadership, so today’s post is designed to answer that question.

Let’s start defining what it’s not, then we’ll see what ...

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Innovative Ministry
Grandma Went to Woodstock: 5 Principles for Pastoring a Vibrant Older Congregation
The generation that grew up on Led Zeppelin will affect our churches differently than those who listened to Lawrence Welk.
Grandma Went to Woodstock: 5 Principles for Pastoring a Vibrant Older Congregation
Image: Carol | Flickr

Everyone in church leadership seems to be talking about how to reach millennials.

But what do you do when your church is filled with seniors? Is there a way to build a strong church with them? Or does it always have to be about younger people?

I hear those questions a lot. And ...

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Innovative Ministry
Expanding the Sweet Spot for a Healthy Church Turnaround
Knowing and expanding the zone where the hearts of the pastor and congregation meet up with God's heart is essential for a successful church turnaround.

There are three primary participants in a local church. God, the pastor and the congregation.

Trying to turn a church from unhealthy to healthy without all three in full cooperation, will lead to frustration, failure and heartache.

Knowing and expanding the zone where the hearts ...

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Innovative Ministry
The 4 Most Overlooked Realities of a Healthy Church Turnaround
Many pastors say “I want this church to turn around”, when what we really mean is “I want this church to get bigger.” Those are two different goals.

Leading an existing church through a turnaround from unhealthy to healthy is one of the hardest tasks a pastor will ever be called to do.

And it’s even harder when we’re trying to do so without understanding some basic principles needed for a successful turnaround ...

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