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Images of Haiti

Scenes of rubble, damage, and recovery emerge after the Hatian earthquake.

Relief organization World Vision sent Christianity Today images of Haiti after the earthquake.

Etienne, 25, was looking for her husband's body. Photo by Stephen Matthews/World Vision.

Patients in the grounds of L'Hospital General. Photo by James Addis/World Vision.

7-month-old Billy was pulled from the rubble of her home after being buried for about 48 hours. She is held by neighbor Julie who rescued her. Photo by James Addis/World Vision at L'Hopsital General shortly after Billy's rescue.

Photo by Stephen Matthews/World Vision.

18-month-old Navensky who suffered a broken shoulder, leg and arm before being rescued from his collapsing home by his father, Jerome. Photo by James Addis/World Vision.

Navensky waits with his parents, Jerome and Nadia. Photo by James Addis/World Vision.

Photo by Stephen Matthews/World Vision.

World Vision staff deliver medical supplies to a hospital. Photo by James Addis/World Vision.

Photo by James Addis/World Vision.

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