Reflect and Receive
It’s the final day of the year. Some eagerly await the the fresh start of 2025 while others find the idea of a new year utterly overwhelming. No matter where we find ourselves on this December 31st, God’s invitation remains the same: reflect and receive.
How did God’s goodness make itself known to you in 2024? When did you feel discouraged? How did you find delight? Whether it’s during a five-minute drive or an hour-long journaling session, ponder the past 365 days and look for the places where God’s grace appeared. Receive the comfort of knowing He was with you in every moment—and that the same will be true as the calendar page turns.
As Dennae Pierre writes, “Lord, thank you for another year of life and all that you provided for us last year. We lay before you all the disappointments and unfinished work, and we ask for your mercy, peace, and joy as we look to the year ahead. May we delight in the gift of your presence as we discern the journey you have for us in this new year.”
Podcast of the week
How might Christians respond to family members who don’t believe mental illness is real? Does standing with Israel mean endorsing all of its government’s actions? Is the Enneagram a slippery…
It’s hard to believe that 2024 is nearly over. Will you join the ongoing work to show and tell the world the kingdom of God is near?
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Want to be part of the next generation of global missions? Discover how indigenous missionaries with Reaching Souls International are transforming communities through the Gospel—inspiring over 1 million decisions for…
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in the magazine
As this issue hits your mailboxes after the US election and as you prepare for the holidays, it can be easy to feel lost in darkness. In this issue, you’ll read of the piercing light of Christ that illuminates the darkness of drug addiction at home and abroad, as Angela Fulton in Vietnam and Maria Baer in Portland report about Christian rehab centers. Also, Carrie McKean explores the complicated path of estrangement and Brad East explains the doctrine of providence. Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt shows us how art surprises, delights, and retools our imagination for the Incarnation, while Jeremy Treat reminds us of an ancient African bishop’s teachings about Immanuel. Finally, may you be surprised by the nearness of the “Winter Child,” whom poet Malcolm Guite guides us enticingly toward. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas.
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