A prayer for our day:

Lord of All Creation, the One who brought order from the chaos,

From the disorder prior to creation through the disorder after Adam and Eve,
Into that disorder you made a covenant of blessing for all nations with Abra’am,

From the disorder of exile in Egypt you delivered the people of Israel,
Into that disorder you gave them your Law and your Land,

From the disorder of rebellious leaders and corrupted prophets,
Into that disorder you sent ordering visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel and Daniel,

From the disorder of exiles and aches for a Messiah,
Into that disorder you sent to us your Messiah, Jesus

And gave us the Spirit.

Grant to us Order in our Disorder,

That we may cast aside the disorders of our life
and find your good order through it all.

Through Christ our Lord,
Who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,
Now and Forever.
