Mary Was More Than a Mother
Treating her as a static figure obscures a lifetime of gospel witness.
Mary Told Us What She Knew—In Song
Christians have to look beyond the typical Christmas carol lineup for music that captures the deeper themes of the Magnificat.
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Desde la tumba vacía hasta los abusos actuales: la importancia del testimonio de las mujeres
Yo era apologeta en RZIM. Confiar en fuentes femeninas es clave para el testimonio cristiano.
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Compiled by Matt Reynolds.
From the Empty Tomb to Today’s Abuse: Believe Women
I was an RZIM apologist. Trusting female sources is key to Christian witness.
Inside RZIM, Staff Push Leaders to Take Responsibility for Scandal
Ravi Zacharias built a reputation for fearless pursuit of the truth. Now the ministry he founded grapples with accountability amid “toxic loyalty culture.”
Oxford’s Unapologetic Female Apologist
Amy Orr-Ewing proclaims the faith, once the bedrock of Britain, to an audience wanting more than rationalism.