Apologética cristiana en el metamodernismo
En un ambiente cultural que ha dejado atrás el posmodernismo, esta disciplina debe evolucionar para que podamos conectar con las próximas generaciones.
What Silicon Valley’s New Ethical Thinking Gets Right—and Wrong
Effective altruism and longtermism are all the rage these days. How should Christians engage?
Love in an Attention Crisis
Readers of the Latin Bible could see how close love and diligence are.
Goodbye Postmodernism, Hello Metamodernism
Our apologetics must evolve to engage with the new cultural mood of the next generations.
Por qué no deberíamos practicar la liturgia ‘a la carta’
Despojar a las tradiciones históricas de su contexto teológico está de moda, pero conlleva un riesgo.
Some of Christianity’s Biggest Skeptics Are Becoming Vocal Converts
These “New Christians” are the result of apologetic work spanning decades. But is their faith merely intellectual?
Write a New Hymn unto the Lord
Hymn writing should be a spiritual practice for everyday saints, not just for worship professionals.
Why We Shouldn’t Practice Liturgy ‘A La Carte’
Stripping historical traditions from their theological context is trendy but problematic.
The Two Holy Ghostwriters Behind American Christianity’s Charismatic Turn
Church life was booming in the 1950s. But where was the Spirit?
25 Black Theologians Who Have Grown Our Faith
Scholars and authors reflect on the significance of African American leaders in the church.