Tres preguntas bioéticas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19
Tras analizar la nueva tecnología ARNm, expertos cristianos se pronuncian a favor de las vacunas.
3 Bioethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines
After considering new mRNA technology, Christian experts are in favor.
How We Die Ten Years After Terri Schiavo
Debates on end-of-life decisions have changed dramatically in the past decade.
Cómo casi perdí la Biblia
De no haber sido por el primer editor de CT, lo más probable me hubiera ido por el mismo camino que el estudioso liberal Bart Ehrman.
How I Almost Lost the Bible
Had it not been for the first editor of CT, I likely would have gone the way of liberal scholar Bart Ehrman.
Frankenstein’s Cat, Part 2
Using “our scientific superpowers.”
My Top 5 Books on Life Ethics
Hybrid Test Drive
Advances in stem-cell technology cheer and alarm ethics watchers.
Joel Hunter steps down from presidency of the Christian Coalition of America, C. Ben Mitchell becomes director of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, and other stories.
Go Gently into That Good Night
Fear of mortality lies at the root of our bioethics confusion.