C.S. Lewis nos advirtió sobre los ‘encuentros cercanos’ del tipo evangélico
Si los ovnis son reales, hay que actuar con humildad antes de compartir el Evangelio.
Houston Ballet Debuts New Work Based on … C.S. Lewis
One of the largest ballet companies in the US has commissioned a piece about “The Four Loves.”
The Sentence from C.S. Lewis That Could Change Your Life
Aslan is fictional, but the real Lion of Judah reminds us that we’re forgiven.
C.S. Lewis Warned Us About Close Encounters of the Evangelical Kind
If UFOs are real, exercise some humility before sharing the gospel.
The Dragons C.S. Lewis Warned Us About
And how to slay them.
Yuval Levin Provides Hope for American Unity
The Constitution could bring us together again.
Narnia was C.S. Lewis’s Literary Petri Dish
It provided a controlled environment where he could develop, observe, and test his ideas about life and faith.
Novelist Leif Enger Cheerfully Refuses Despair
A conversation about stories that are both heartbreaking and hopeful.
Surprised by Freud
A new movie, “Freud’s Last Session,” imagines a dialogue—and a friendship—between the famed psychologist and C.S. Lewis.
Bah, Humbug! But I’ll Echo the Joyous Strains
I’m not into the hustle and bustle of the Christmas holiday. But I find a vicarious joy in “rejoicing with those who rejoice.”