Onward Christian Superheroes
Two of Netflix’s Marvel heroes arise out of their respective Christian cultures.
Demythologizing Adam: Case Unproven
Maze Runner to God
Wrong turns and dead ends punctuated by unexpected grace.
The Man Who Birthed Evangelicalism
Carl Henry’s complex legacy, 100 years after his birth.
The charms and annoyances of “collected poems.”
The Bagel Between Church and State
Plus: Should we stop talking about the Jesus tomb hoax? A Christian college’s bus tragedy, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Who’s to Blame for the Mideast’s Unmerry Christmas?
Plus: The Pope and Ahmadinejad, Kansas’ abortion battle, what happened to Jesus’ foreskin, churchgoers remember Ford, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Forcing Emergency Contraception Pills Down Throats of Opponents
Mass. Hospitals denied exemption as Walgreens pharmacists sue. Plus: More religion stories from online sources around the world.
Is the Reformation Over?
Well, if you have to ask …
“Summer’s Ebullient Finale”
A richly varied anthology offers a “spiritual biography” of autumn.