Refocused Vocation
Over the centuries, it’s been distorted, but history also sharpens our view of every Christian’s calling.
Beer and Bismarck
Baseball’s history of breaking boundaries.
A History of Darkness
The struggles of these spiritual giants yielded unexpected blessings.
Quick Media Takes
Books, films, music of note in October.
The Three Amigos and Their Three Dantes
What C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Dorothy L. Sayers felt the Divine Comedy has to say to us today.
Can Seminary Students and History Get Along Together?
This book might help reconcile them.
The Mushroom Hunt
How to find a good biography.
Spirituality for Busy People
The monk-pope Gregory the Great assured Christians that a life of contemplation and a life of active service go hand in hand.
What Has Alexandria To Do With Wheaton?
In 2007, theologians and historians gathered at Wheaton College to ask how evangelicals can learn from the witness of the early church. Now a new book offers their conclusions to a wider audience.
Top Ten Stories of 2003 … with a Christian History Twist
Here is our review of “the Christian history that made the stories that made the news.”