Adiós a ‘Roe vs. Wade’: Evangélicos provida celebran el fallo que habían estado esperando
Corte Suprema: El histórico caso del derecho al aborto fue «atrozmente incorrecto y en camino a colisionar con la Constitución desde el día en que se decidió».
Goodbye Roe v. Wade: Pro-Life Evangelicals Celebrate the Ruling They’ve Waited For
Supreme Court: The landmark abortion-rights case was “egregiously wrong and on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided.”
Christianity Today’s 2023 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
National Association of Evangelicals’ New President Hopes to Bring Together a Movement in Crisis
Walter Kim, PCA pastor and former Park Street Church minister, becomes the first leader of color at the helm of the 77-year-old organization.
Died: Jesse Miranda, Hispanic Evangelicals’ Bridge-Builder
The ministry founder, educator, and Assemblies of God leader elevated the voices of his community and paved the way for future leaders.
33 Under 33
Meet the Christian leaders shaping the next generation of our faith.
77’s Still on the Edge
A ‘Christian’ band? Maybe. But the Sevens—and their album ‘Sticks and Stones’—were one of the best ever.
Earthen Vessels
Evangelicals and their bodies.
Stuff Christian Hipsters Like
A sidebar to CT’s cover story on ‘Hipster Faith.’
Songs of Justice, Missions of Mercy
Why Christian musicians are embarking on a different kind of world tour.