What It Means that Jesus Was ‘Without Sin’
It is central to our faith that Jesus shared our nature. Does that include its fallenness?
Thomas Forsyth Torrance
Ecumenical Theologian
Who’s Who of Trump’s ‘Tremendous’ Faith Advisers
The Republican candidate finally names his campaign’s evangelical connections.
Baseball Extravaganza, Part 1
Forget sabermetrics; it’s poetic meter that matters.
My Top 5 Books On Hell
Picks from Robert Peterson, co-editor of ‘Is Hell for Real or Does Everyone Go to Heaven?’
Benedict XVI Tests Brazil’s Religious Climate
Also: Bishops clarify Mugabe statements, a priest-imam soccer game is cancelled, the spanking debate resumes, and more.
Focus Praises NAE’s ‘Broader Social Agenda’
Plus: The evangelicals at the center of the U.S. attorneys firing fight, Time‘s cover story on the Bible in public schools, Colo. becomes another center of the Anglican wars, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Malaysia Bans Religious Speech
Plus: One killed in India church attack, stolen Jesus painting won’t stop debate, news values on gender vs. race, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Two More RU486 Mother Deaths
Plus: Orthodox Church orders investigation, what seminarians really want, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Evangelical Groups Praise New Air Force Rules
Plus: Turkey’s anti-Catholic violence, John Piper on the riots, Jesus existence case tossed, and other stories from online sources around the world.