Best of CT: Jesus’ Parables
Highlights from our archives.
I Was a Stranger
How should we deal with 12 million illegal immigrants?
Just As We Were
Is mass evangelism dead?
The Pulse: Iraq Reconsidered
In retrospect, was it a just invasion or not?
The God Debates of ’08
Plus: More tragedy for Iraq Christians, another blow to Iowa’s faith-based prison program, America’s new pilgrimage points, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Another Colo. Megachurch Pastor Quits Over Gay Affairs
Plus: Another military uniform battle, Britain’s blotto bishop, those airport Christmas trees, and many other stories from online sources around the world.
Ultra Mega Weblog: Five Churches Attacked in Netherlands
Plus: Links to more than 422 (really!) other news articles and opinion pieces, including some not about how stupid evangelicals are.
News from the North American Scene: April 25, 1994
The Ministry’s Gordian Knot
Alexander the Great slashed through his Gordian knot; pastors don’t have that option. To lead, the pastor must serv. How does he confront this paradox?