The Dead White Man Who Could Fix Our Race Problem: Oswald Chambers
As a black woman wrestling with racism in America, I lean on a Scottish theologian’s four key insights.
Evaluating the Ministry
How are we doing?
How Do We Measure a Ministry
Finding the real bottom line in ministry.
Wisdom in a Time of War
What Oswald Chambers and C.S. Lewis teach us about living through the long battle with terrorism
Exorcism: Is It for Real?
My Search for Oswald Chambers
Who was the man behind My Utmost for His Highest?
Spring Book Forecast February 14, 1964
What Are You Doing About Singles In Your Church?
David McCasland was talked into leading a singles ministry, which turned out very different from what he expected.
The Danger of Aiming Too High
What happens to pastors who push themselves harder than God asks.