What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe: The True Pioneer of Gospel Rock
Charlie Peacock pays tribute to the inventor of gospel rock with guests Tommy Sims and Jerry McPherson.
Chapter 5: A Tectonic Shift in Technology
The pandemic greatly accelerated the adoption of and reliance on technology among churches.
Transgender Teens, Pronouns, and Preferred Names: Youth Pastors Grapple with New Questions
In evangelical churches, Gen Z is forcing a discussion on LGBT hospitality.
I Don’t Want to Be a Universalist
Richard Mouw says the best forms of the doctrine still disappoint those counting on God to do the right thing.
¿Por qué la reforma contra el abuso sigue encontrando obstáculos entre los bautistas del sur?
Líderes y defensores agradecen el apoyo de la convención, pero se sienten frustrados ante su aparente incapacidad de llevar sus planes a la práctica.
Why Does Southern Baptist Abuse Reform Keep Hitting Hurdles?
Leaders and advocates are grateful for the convention’s support but frustrated at the inability to enact their plans.
A medida que el éxodo de iglesias metodistas llega a 5800, algunas encuentran caminos bloqueados
(ACTUALIZACIÓN) Los costos y las complicaciones de la desafiliación de la UMC están dejando a muchas congregaciones estancadas.
Comfort, Comfort My People
Israel under attack needs Christian empathy, not judgment or presumptuous theological speculation.
As Methodist Exits Hit 5,800, Some Churches Find Paths Blocked
(UPDATED) The costs and complications of UMC disaffiliation are leaving many congregations stuck.