Delivered Twice from Death in Lebanon, Retiree Keeps Serving After Explosion
From an orphanage to Beirut’s fanciest hotel to World Vision’s top ranks, Jean Bouchebel has seen how God does not forsake his church.
El celibato como elección
Dejemos de pensar en la soltería como un problema.
Christian Fiction Queen Says Goodbye to Hallmark, Hello to Karen Kingsbury Productions
As novelists embrace entrepreneurship, they find ways to take more control.
Bill Maher, Donald Miller y John Piper tienen algo en común
De diferentes maneras, Dios los usó para guiarme a Cristo.
Rwanda Ministry Brings Genocide Survivors Hope
With their own traumas to bear, Christian survivors find holistic ways to minister to Tutsis.
¿Afganistán valió la pena o fue en vano? Los cristianos se lamentan, oran y aprenden mientras los talibanes retoman el poder
Mientras el mundo debate sobre la retirada de Estados Unidos, quince líderes reflexionan sobre cómo están usando su fe para entender cuál es la mejor manera de abogar por la justicia en el presente.
Was Afghanistan Worthwhile or Wasted? Christians Lament, Pray, and Learn as Taliban Retakes Control
As the world debates the US withdrawal, 15 leaders reflect on how they are applying their faith to understand how to best advocate for justice in the aftermath.
Are Pastors Discarding the ‘Evangelical’ Label? We Surveyed Hundreds
Here’s what we discovered.
Jon Acuff Starts Over
The funny man, former Dave Ramsey team member, and self-development expert is on to his next gig.
Memoir in the Me-Generation
How social media helps us tell our stories.