CT Books – 09-11-24
Adiós a ‘Roe vs. Wade’: Evangélicos provida celebran el fallo que habían estado esperando
Corte Suprema: El histórico caso del derecho al aborto fue «atrozmente incorrecto y en camino a colisionar con la Constitución desde el día en que se decidió».
Goodbye Roe v. Wade: Pro-Life Evangelicals Celebrate the Ruling They’ve Waited For
Supreme Court: The landmark abortion-rights case was “egregiously wrong and on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided.”
10 Best Practices for Improving Religious Freedom in Complicated Countries
Lessons we learned from helping Vietnam become the first country to be peaceably removed from the United States’ blacklist of the worst persecutors of Christians and other believers.
Who’s Who of Trump’s ‘Tremendous’ Faith Advisers
The Republican candidate finally names his campaign’s evangelical connections.
Baseball Review 2016, Part 2
Auguries and predictions (with an eye to 1983).
Reply All
Responses to our November issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
In the Forest with David Douglas
A restless naturalist.
A New Direction for Christian Historians?
Obama Is Not a Muslim
But many Americans think he is, plus other findings from the new Pew Forum report.