Goodbye Roe v. Wade: Pro-Life Evangelicals Celebrate the Ruling They’ve Waited For
Supreme Court: The landmark abortion-rights case was “egregiously wrong and on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided.”
Adiós a ‘Roe vs. Wade’: Evangélicos provida celebran el fallo que habían estado esperando
Corte Suprema: El histórico caso del derecho al aborto fue «atrozmente incorrecto y en camino a colisionar con la Constitución desde el día en que se decidió».
Clark Pinnock Dies at 73
From biblical inerrancy to open theism, the systematic theologian was not afraid to change his mind.
Advice to a Pope
Ever-timely words from Bernard of Clairvaux.
A Velvet Oppression
Conservative Christians are not faring well in Canada’s brave new secular society