Stop Calling Ted Cruz a Dominionist
The Christian candidate’s faith influences his platform, but not in the ways most critics assume.
The Gospel Is More Than a Story: Rethinking Narrative and Testimony
Story is all the rage. Everyone wants to tell their personal narrative or to give the Bible a simpler and more relevant plot. Maybe it isn’t such a good idea.
When to Be Naïve
It’s not a virtue just for children.
Packer Stomp
Beeson Divinity School hosts a tribute to J. I. Packer.
Packer Stomp
Beeson Divinity School hosts a tribute to J. I. Packer.
What God Hath Not Joined
Why marriage was designed for male and female.
Stronger Action Needed, Say Global Anglican Leaders
The primates will add teeth to Windsor Report, conservatives predict, hope.
It’s Not About Us
Modern spirituality begins and ends with the self; Christian spirituality, with the Alpha and Omega